How to Do the Right Thing

How can we learn to do the right thing? Quite often we know what the right thing is to do, but some force of habit holds us back. Perhaps we know what the right thing is, but we fear what people may say or we worry that it will be misunderstood. Other times, it is our own pride or insecurity which prevents us from doing the right thing.  If we need more motivation and strength to do the right thing, there are a few things we can bear in mind.


Joy from doing the right thing

The most effective way to do the right thing is to bear in mind the joy we can get from doing the right thing. If we don’t follow our heart, there will always be some mental tension, some feeling of looking over our shoulder. But, if we do the right thing, we will get that precious joy that we are following the right road and being true to ourselves. As the immortal Shakespeare writes:

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!

– Hamlet, Act 1

This captures the poetic beauty of living true to ourselves. Even if temporarily difficult, this inner peace from our decision is very valuable. Bear in mind, that the inner peace and inner joy is the most valuable thing on earth, it is not something that can be bought.

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Irrational Thinking and How To Overcome it


One of the biggest problems we have is the tendency for our mind to think in an irrational / unbalanced way. We see issues and other people through a clouded and fuzzy perspective. This judgement leads us to many problems, not least it makes life more stressful and depressing.

These are some of the common perspectives on life which are misleading.

Jumping to Conclusions

Often we jump to conclusions on a small fraction of evidence. Perhaps someone does not reply to our message at a particular point in time, we then project our own thoughts as to why this is. The mind creates a powerful scenario which we come to believe. Yet, our mental projections are often far from reality. To make things worse we often jump to conclusions in a negative way. The mind is suspicious of others’ intentions and we definitely create problems for ourselves by doubting our friends and relatives. We have to be very wary of jumping to conclusions; at the very least we should remind ourself our conclusion is likely to be wrong.

It may be unfortunate to be mistreated by others, but, it is much worse to have a suspicious mind

Black and White Thinking

We often come to see the world in black and white terms – either we are a total success or failure. Other people are either friends or enemies. The problem is that one small mistake can make us feel a total failure. For example, we say one wrong thing so then assume we have messed up a relationship with someone. On the other hand a small success can bloat us with pride. Life is never so clear cut; we have to avoid both the depths of despair and heights of vainglory. Rather than seeing ourselves as a total failure just see mistakes as stepping stones on the path to self-development.

Blaming other People for own Faults.

Often we sit in judgement on other people, but, if we were honest we would realise many of their faults we too share. We are not judging out of compassion but out of a sense of self-importance. The worst thing is when we do something wrong but seek to pass the blame onto other people – If  only other people had done the right thing we would been fine. This is just our clever mind justify its wrong actions. But, with this attitude we will just continue doing the wrong thing and create more problems. We have to be honest with ourselves.

“We are our own fate-makers. To blame others for the unfavourable conditions of our lives is beneath our dignity. Unfortunately, this act of blaming others is one of man’s oldest diseases.”

– Sri Chinmoy [1]

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Tips for Dealing with Money

It is said that the love of money is the root of all evil, but money is also an inescapable reality of life. Money can definitely create tension, worry, and put even the best friendships under strain. But, money is essential component of life, and if used properly it can be a force for good and contribute towards our happiness.

How can we learn to have a good attitude to money?

  • Money is a means to an end. It can be used for good purposes or it can be put to bad purposes. In this sense money is neutral – it is up to us to use it in a divine way and not misuse it.
  • If money is used in an appropriate way, it can contribute to our happiness. However, the unbridled pursuit of money will definitely cause us lose sight of the most valuable aspects of life – such as, cultivating inner peace and good relationships with others.
  • If we sacrifice our principles and sense of value, what is the use of money? We have to remember what gives us a true sense of happiness. The real happiness comes from being true to our self, to be self-giving and offer happiness to others. If we have to betray these ideals to gain money, then at best the money will buy us a false happiness.
  • Don’t worry! Money is probably the biggest cause of worry in modern life. Often it is the richest people who worry the most. The more we gain, the more we stand to lose. Learn to let go of worry – worry doesn’t help in anyway only makes us more tense. If you have real difficulties, just see what practical steps you can take. If you have a reasonably good financial situation, just enjoy it! Continue reading “Tips for Dealing with Money”

7 Effective ways for dealing with difficult people

difficult people

Life will always present us with awkward, difficult people; and unless you want to live in a Himalayan cave you will have to learn how to deal with these people. We should not let difficult people spoil our inner equanimity; with the right attitude we can maintain our peace of mind even when dealing with unpleasant people. These are some suggestions for dealing with awkward people.

1. Don’t Think about Them All the Time

Sometimes when people cause us difficulties they start to dominate our thoughts; this makes their presence seem very close. However, it is best to think about them as little as possible. Instead, concentrate on things and people who inspire you. Thinking about difficult people is not going to change how they behave, but it will cause us unhappiness.

2. Don’t Expect to Change Them.

Awkward and unpleasant people are the least likely to be willing to change themselves. Don’t take it upon yourself to try and change their behaviour; you will all most certainly fail. Furthermore, they will probably resent your interference and this will create further difficulties. Instead we can maintain a cheerful detachment. If we don’t have any expectations, it becomes much easier to deal with.

3. Don’t feel guilt

If people create problems in our life we can start to feel guilty, even though we have done nothing wrong. In cases like this
we have to be detached; it is not our fault problems are created. As long as we seek to maintain a good attitude, that is all that matters.

If you want to transform your life
Then immediately give up
Your false sense of teeming guilt.

Sri Chinmoy [1]

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Overcoming a Phobia

It’s sometimes easy to write about what we should do – e.g. overcome worries with detachment and positive visualisations e.t.c. But,  when things actually happen to you, it’s much more difficult to put the theory into practise! I don’t have many phobias, or irrational fears, but recently I came up against my own worst phobia.

I was going on holiday to New York (as much a spiritual retreat as holiday). I came off my bike on the day of the flight – a nasty accident. But, I made it to NY fine. Three days later the leg started to get much worse. That was strange, I couldn’t work out what was going on. I had to spend the next 3 days in a chair or on my back. The dynamism of New York came to an abrupt halt for me!

In a way, I actually quite enjoyed it. I could look through some poetry websites I hadn’t been able to touch for months. I was grateful to have other things to be able to do.

Being confined to a chair was not as bad as I might have feared. I actually quite liked the extra time – a rare luxury. Of course, I would have preferred to have a good leg, but at least I felt grateful for finding alternative things to do.

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How To Overcome Worry

Some tips on how to overcome worry.

Let us not worry
About the future.
Let us only do the right thing
At this moment,
Here and Now.
Let the future take care of

– Sri Chinmoy [1]

When we worry about an event that may not occur, we waste precious energy and time. There is a philosophy that if we worry about something it is actually more likely to happen; we attract the negative event through our negative thoughts. Worry never helps, but leaves us without peace of mind. It is good to be able to overcome unnecessary worry. These are a few steps which will help.

Concentrate on the Present Time.

Worry means we are advancing into the future and speculating that the worst might happen. Worrying about future is not helpful. Just concentrate on the present moment and the task in hand. So many religious text tell us to ‘…Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.’

This is from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.


O friend, for the morrow let us not worry
This moment we have now, let us not hurry
When our time comes, we shall not tarry
With seven thousand-year-olds, our burden carry.


O hark, let us not think of the morrow
Cherish this moment, far from sorrow
Life is a temporal gift that we borrow
Whether dead for ages, or leave tomorrow.

Keep life in perspective. Why worry about small things?

Do what you can then leave.

If we have worries and concerns, make a conscious effort to see what can be done to mitigate that. If we are worried about a future meeting, it may be necessary to do an hour’s preparation. Once we’ve done the necessary preparation, we can say to ourselves, we’ve done everything we can, so we have no need to worry. This is a very practical solution. We do what we can to mitigate worries, then leave it. Often we will find that there are some things we worry about, where actually there is nothing that we can or need to do. These worries are just self-created. But, when we see we’ve done what we need to, then we can just leave it.

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Inspirational Ideas

Some inspirational ideas and quotes from the great Seer Poets can become like mantras. They invoke and explain powerful ideas with a poetic flow that touches the soul. These are a few quotes and ideas that have frequently inspired me. If you have any to share, kindly leave in comments.


This famous monologue from Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like it’ eludes to the importance of humility. We may be proud of our current situation, but we can never take our fate for granted. It also infers the underlying oneness of experience. ‘We play many parts’ reminds us that we can experience life from any perspective. It is a reminder of the golden rule to love thy neighbour as thyself. As a part we play today, maybe very different tomorrow. It also makes me think of Mother Teresa’s quote:

‘In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.’

– Whatever our current ‘part’ maybe, the important thing is we do our part with love.

Love vs Power

(Photo: Unmesh)

The nature of the mind is to wish to exercise power. But, when we strive for power, peace disappears. If we replace the love of power, with the power of love, the world will be changed. It is our heart power that can bring peace and not the battle for supremacy.

 The Nature of Love

let me not admit

In human love there is often attachment and desire. We love, but there is a partial desire to benefit ourselves. The real divine love is unconditional. We love for love’s sake and are not influenced by outer circumstances. In real love, forgiveness comes spontaneously. There is no sense of sacrifice, only love.

The Nature of Self

i celebrate

Walt Whitman’s classic opening from ‘Song of Myself’ is a joyful reminder of our highest self – our real self. It is a reminder of the underlying oneness we have with creation. The Vedic Seers wrote many centuries ago that  our inner nature is delight. This is an inspiration for us to grow from the little ‘I’ (ego) to the bigger I


It feel superfluous to add to this momentous line from John Keats. An invocation of beauty and joy.


Heaven on Earth

to see world

Another epic of English poetry. A reminder heaven is in the eye of the beholder. If we can be aware and grateful of nature, we can see miracles everyday.

Continue reading “Inspirational Ideas”

How To Overcome Jealousy


Jealousy is an emotion which makes us either subtly or obviously depressed. When we are jealous, we strangle our own happiness because we resent the success or existence of other people. However, we can overcome jealousy by simply changing our view of life, love and our view about ourself. If we can overcome jealousy, we will gain tremendous happiness and peace of mind.

is a deep-rooted

Sri Chinmoy [1]

These are some tips to overcome jealousy.

1. Remember our good qualities

This is not the best way to overcome jealousy, but it can help in a practical way. Jealousy is often rooted in insecurity. We fear other people are ‘better’, ‘more attractive’, ‘more successful’. As a result, we become jealous of their good qualities. Instead of comparing with other people, we can think of our own good qualities, which are naturally different to other people. Everybody has different talents and strengths, we shouldn’t expect to be great at everything. We need humility, but also to maintain our self-respect. If we can cultivate this self-belief then we will not feel jealous because someone succeeds in something else. (How to boost your self-esteeem)


Love is not limited

Jealousy often arises because of the view that love is limited. We think if a person loves someone else, that means there is less love for us. We equate love to having a sack of 100 gold coins and feel if they spend their money on someone else, they have nothing left over for us. But, real love is not like that. If a person can feel divine / selfless love, they will not limit this to one person, they will want to share to everyone.  If a mother has one child, her love is not diminished when she has a second child. Now it is possible, that a young child may feel jealous if their parents spend more time with a new child, but it is only the same care and love they give to all their children. The fact they temporarily have to spend more time on the newborn, does not in any way diminish the amount of love they have for the first child. This is how love should be. If we really love, it is not limited, but only wishes to spread.


Love means wanting the happiness of other people

People sometimes feel that if you don’t feel jealous, you can’t really love. People might even complain if their partner is not jealous! But, if love is pure, then you would really want happiness for the other person. If the person you love gains and benefits from an association with the other person, you should welcome that. Jealousy is only trying to strangle their happiness. How can it be love, when we seek to make the person unhappy because our pride and vanity are hurt?

“Love” is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own…Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy”

― Robert A. Heinlein


Don’t Allow Yourself to be Hurt by the actions of others

Love does not mean we possess someone; it does not mean we seek to control them. Even to those who we love most, we still have to recognise that each soul has to choose their own path. If someone makes a choice we do not like. We should not feel guilty or make them feel guilty. We can offer advice. We can support them to make the right decision, but we can’t live for them. If, in spite of our best intentions, they pursue a wrong path – we have to maintain a certain detachment. We’ve offered our goodwill and selfless-love, but don’t make yourself unhappy because of someone else’s personal choices.

  • If we try to keep someone all to our self, we will become possessive and easily jealous. If we always wish someone to be sincerely happy, then we will not become jealous, even if they pursue a course we would not advise.


Spiritual Oneness

The best spiritual approach is to feel that you can become one with the achievements of other people. If this sounds difficult start off by making a conscious decision to appreciate when other people do good things. Also, feel that by appreciating other people’s good qualities, you are consciously cultivating these good qualities. Notice that when you try to feel oneness with other people you feel happy. When you feel jealous, you definitely won’t.

If someone does something good. Feel that if they can do some thing really good then I can do the same. Therefore, we can feel grateful for the example they have set.

“Finally, the real spiritual way to conquer jealousy is to feel that you are one with the person who is the object of your jealousy. For example, if someone is a better actor than you are, feel that it is you who are acting. In this way, you can conquer jealousy and, at the same time, expand your own consciousness.

 – Sri Chinmoy  [2]


[1]  My Jealousy Is My Madness-Burden, Agni Press, 1994.

[2] How To Overcome Jealousy at Sri Chinmoy Library

Photo by: Sharani, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

How to Cultivate Love

The most effective medicine
Here on earth
Is love unconditional.

– Sri Chinmoy

To love and be loved is something we all wish to cultivate – either consciously or unconsciously. Yet, we can go through life without giving it the attention it deserves. Love can create heaven on earth, and its absence can create the opposite, as William Shakespeare writes. “Absence from those we love is self from self – a deadly banishment.” – [1. William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act III, Scene i]

Sri Aurobindo writes:

“Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment.  It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.”

Intuitively, we feel this statement to be true, but at the same time true love can be elusive and difficult to experience. But, what we focus on we will ultimately experience. These are some suggestions for cultivating real love.

  • Always remember the source. Don’t see other people as separate individuals, but think of the world as one family. Treat others as you would yourself. This is the secret of love.
  • To love others, you have to be able to love yourself. This is not the egotistical self-love, but an awareness of your real self. It is also important to always be true to your inner self. Love does not mean changing who we are. We first have to accept ourselves as who we really are. If we have to change our principles and identity, this is a false basis of love. But, if we can accept and love ourselves, it will be much easier to love others.
  • Think not what you can get from the relationship. Consider how you can serve and offer to other people. We need to give to other people in a way that also reflects our principles, and gives us joy. The secret is to feel joy from giving and helping others. Selfless love means we don’t have any expectations about how the other person will treat us.

Continue reading “How to Cultivate Love”

Reason, Experience and Faith


When I was young, my very limited religious instruction suggested to me religion was a matter of faith – the belief in things you couldn’t actually see.

I never really understood this concept of faith. To my mind, I reasoned why should we believe things that we can’t see? Why should we believe things which we don’t know whether they happen? There was a time when I believed  faith seemed to be a clever way of getting people to believe in things that don’t really exist. Without too much thought, I just drifted away from religion to aspects of life which had a more immediate reality.

But, at a later day, I gained an interest in meditation and spirituality. I never approached it from a perspective of faith; the great attraction of meditation was that it offered the chance to actually experience spirituality – and not just about holding an intellectual faith. Meditation didn’t require a belief in things you couldn’t see or believe in; it was simply offering you the opportunity to see and experience for yourself.

Meditation was an interesting journey. There were glimpses of an ethereal peace and joy unknown in the world. The glimpses were never enough or as frequent as I would have liked, but there was definitely something. Even just 30 seconds of one profound experience of meditation stays with you throughout your life. Once, your consciousness has been turned on its head you can never doubt there is really another reality beyond the world. Sri Chinmoy writes:

“What you call Faith I call the Soul’s foreknowledge of the Highest Truth” [1]


This is the intuitive feeling you can get from meditation, you come to be aware of the soul and its latent capacities.

After a few steps along the path of meditation, I found it natural and spontaneous to believe in ideas I had previously summarily dismissed. The idea of God-realisation, reincarnation, liberation. The world no longer seemed a question of matter and the human mind, but of the spirit and the soul.

Long after I had forgotten about my rejection of ‘religious faith’ I realised that my teacher, Sri Chinmoy frequently wrote poems about the importance of faith – faith in yourself, faith in your Guru, faith in God.

This time, faith seemed rational, it also seemed important. One day, you could have the greatest meditation, the next day, you might start to think there’s no point in striving to reach higher goals. If you are not vigilant, the excuses and complaints of the mind can cloud your previous soulful experiences. So you always need to maintain this faith, this remembrance of your own meditation, the remembrance of your soul’s foreknowledge.

But, without some inner discipline and practice, it’s hard to maintain faith in higher ideals.

The poet, Emily Dickinson wrote:

“Faith” is a fine invention
For Gentlemen who see!
But Microscopes are prudent
In an Emergency!

To me, the microscope is meditation, and spiritual writings which seem intuitively true. Faith without  spiritual practice becomes a mere intellectual hope. Faith strengthened my meditation and prayer reminds you to have faith in your soul and God.

In the beginning of the spiritual life there is an element of give and take. We say to God, give us a little experience, and we’ll believe a little more.  The truly great seekers are those who don’t have any concept of give and take, but implicit 100% faith; there is no expectation only cheerful surrender.

Yet, for those who worry about approaching the spiritual life lacking in faith, it may be worth remembering the words of Sri Aurobindo:

” When I approached God at that time, I hardly had a living faith in Him. The agnostic was in me, the atheist was in me, the sceptic was in me and I was not absolutely sure that there was a God at all. I did not feel His presence. Yet something drew me to the truth of the Vedas, the truth of the Gita, the truth of the Hindu religion.”

– Sri Aurobindo The Uttarpara Address (1909)


[1] Excerpt from Rainbow-Flowers by Sri Chinmoy.

photo, Tejvan, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries.