World Harmony Run in Vietnam

The World Harmony Run recently visited Vietnam and was enthusiastically welcomed by the local population.  This unique run for world peace was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987 and, in the past two decades has captured the imagination of thousands of people across the world.

The World Harmony Run in Hanoi. Invited guests and members of VUFO youth organization join in holding the peace torch.


Members of the World Harmony Run in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh Province.

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Finale of European World Harmony Run in Vienna

The World Harmony Run ended its 7 month, 2400 km journey connecting people through 48 countries with a vibrant ceremony in Vienna’s central square.

The World Harmony Run seeks to unite people in a celebration of what we all have in common. The closing ceremony took place amidst a vibrant display in the main square by many community groups including dance, martial arts, and cultural groups. One of the most interesting displays was a giant rocking horse, where to make it rock you have to work in unison.

The ceremony ended with a release of balloons, symbolising everyone’s hopes and dreams for a better world.


Related links

  • Full story at, with lots of pictures!

World Harmony Run at the European Parliament

The World Harmony Run was invited to the European Parliament in Brussels today. During a special program the runners shared Sri Chinmoy’s vision of world-peace and harmony with European politicians from different countries.

Ten MEPs (Members of European Parliament) from Ireland, Finland, Estonia, Slovenia, Luxemburg, Austria and Denmark participated in the program which took place inside the Parliament building. The MEPs held the Peace Torch and gave glowing speeches praising the initiative of running for peace. The ceremony was hosted by Angelika Werthmann, MEP from Austria.

One MEP told the runners, “You are the living embodiment of the motto of the European Parliament, ‘unity in diversity’.” It was the sixth visit of the World Harmony Run to the European Parliament since 2006.

A photo exhibition with photographs from the Run in Europe was presented together with the ceremony. The photo’s will be displayed in the European Parliament for the rest of the year.

World Harmony Run 25 years anniversary

On April 27th the World Harmony Run/Peace Run celebrated its 25th anniversary. The World Harmony Run was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987 to foster good will and world peace by running with a Peace Torch all over the world. The Run has visited over 140 countries to date and annually reaches about one million people.

Sri Chinmoy Centres from all over the world celebrated the anniversary by organizing special World Harmony Run events in their respective cities.

In Ljubljana,Slovenia, (left) runners carried the Peace Torch to a site where they will plant a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Tree in October.
In Groningen, The Netherlands (right) 140 school children released balloons with wishes for peace attached to them.

World Harmony Run USA 50-state launch

On April 12, runners and supporters of the World Harmony Run from around the globe gathered at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza for the Opening Ceremony of the U.S. World Harmony Run.

The event was attended by many dignitaries and ambassadors from around the world. It also offered an opportunity for the Run to honour individuals and groups who have worked tirelessly for peace in their own way. For example, the World Harmony Run Torch Bearer award was given to the people of Japan for thir stoicism, courage, cheerfulness in coping with the ordeal of the earthquake and tsunami last year.

The runners will now embark on a journey across all 48 continental states (with local events in Alaska and Hawaii) which will end in August.

For the full event report, visit the World Harmony Run site…


Harmony Run in Oxford and Cambridge

The World Harmony Run, founded by Sri Chinmoy, recently visited the two ancient university cities of Oxford and Cambridge.


In Cambridge, the run visited Kings College Cambridge and was met by Dr John Barber, a Fellow of King’s College.


The run was also greeted by the Mayor of Cambridge who supported the Run’s hope to promote peace and harmony.

In Oxford, the run visited two schools and also found time to visit Mark Williams and his team of researchers at Warneford hospital. Mark Williams heads a ‘mindfulness clinic’ which has researched the benefits of meditation in helping to cure persistent depression. The successful research has led to mindfulness being prescribed as a treatment on the National Health Service.


Mike Williams was awarded a ‘Harmony Torch bearer award’ for his contribution in empowering people to overcome depression.

In Oxford, there was also a visit to Harcourt Arboretum, where a Peace Tree was planted to leave a lasting legacy for peace.


“The flower of the life-tree is wisdom.
The fruit of the life-tree is peace.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Planting an English Oak, dedicated to peace.


World Harmony Run in British Isles, New Zealand and Australia

It have been a very active month for the World Harmony Run – the European Run is currently proceeding through the British Isles while the Asia-Pacific run started in Auckland, NZ and travelled through that country before arriving in Australia.

The Irish team spent St Patricks Day in traditional style – by participating in the St Patricks Day Parade in the town of Drogheda

The run then continued on to Scotland and the UK where they have been running through some beautiful scenery on their way to London

The Asia-Pacific run began on March 5 with an opening ceremony in Auckland’s central square

On March 19, the runners crossed from New Zealand to Australia, with a welcoming ceremony for the runners in Adelaide which included representatives from 25 countries releasing 25 doves to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Harmony Run

Start of European World Harmony Run 2012

Recently, the 2012 European leg of the World Harmony Run began its journey in Figueira da Foz, Portugal.


 Some of the participants who joined the World Harmony Run.

The city of Figueira da Foz played host to the international team of runners who will cover over 24,000 kilometres in the coming 8 months, carrying the Peace Torch through 45 European countries. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Run, which was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987.

World-renowned marathon legend Tegla Loroupe was part of the international running team in Figueira da Foz. Over 900 local school children joined her in the opening run through the city. The mayor warmly welcomed the runners and wished them a good journey ahead.

Follow latest at World Harmony


World Harmony Run in India

The World Harmony Run was  founded by Indian Peace-Philosopher, Sri Chinmoy, 25 years ago; recently the run returned to its roots visiting cities in south India. The run which seeks to promote peace, friendship and harmony was joined by many Indians in Delhi and Agra.


Sri Chinmoy was born in East Bengal (now Bangladesh) in 1931 and he moved to New York, US in 1964. On the spirituality of India, Sri Chinmoy wrote:

“India’s strength is not in her arms, but in her heart. More so, it is in her seer-vision.

India tells the world that the realisation of unity is the only strength which can conquer the world.”

“India has three world-conquering weapons: Non-violence, Peace and the Wisdom which tells that she is in All as All is in her.”

– Sri Chinmoy 1


The run was joined by many local Indians who were happy to participate and join the run.

The runners visited the Bangla Sahib Sikh Temple (Gurudwara) in the heart of Dehli.

schoolA local school who enthusiastically received the run.


Sri Chinmoy Heart-Garden Race

On 9th October,  a two mile race was organised to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the dedication of the Sri Chinmoy Heart-Garden in Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, New York.

Dignitaries including former Olympians hold the World Harmony Run torch and offer their good wishes for peace.

Sri Chinmoy Heart Garden

The Sri Chinmoy Heart-Garden was dedicated by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation to Sri Chinmoy, on October 11, 2006. Exactly one year later Sri Chinmoy passed away, leaving a vibrant legacy of world service and creativity in many fields.

The Heart-Garden Two-Mile Race, first held in October 2009, is an annual event organised by Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team to celebrate the legacy and vision for world peace offered by Sri Chinmoy.


Everything that is beautiful,
Inspiring and aspiring
Can easily be found
Inside our heart-garden.

– Sri Chinmoy 1


Human Chain of Peace and Harmony

In Budapest, 10,000 children participated in a human chain of peace and harmony around the Hungarian Parliament; the unique ceremony was part of the global World Harmony Run.

Human Chain for peace and harmony

School children came from up to 300Km away to take part in this special event at Hungary’s Parliament. The event was co-ordinated by organisers of the World Harmony Run – founded by Sri Chinmoy to promote peace and understanding around the world.

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