Oneness-Dream Tour of Tuscany

Recently, the music group Oneness-Dream offered 31 acapella singing performances of Sri Chinmoy’s music at spiritual locations throughout Tuscany, Italy.


The members of the group are students of Sri Chinmoy and come from several different countries. During the tour, they performed in churches and monasteries in Florence, Sienna and Pisa, and the surrounding Tuscany countryside. Continue reading “Oneness-Dream Tour of Tuscany”

Blue Flower – Music group

Blue Flower is a music group, dedicated to the music of Sri Chinmoy, which was formed in Novi Sad, Serbia in 1998. Recently, they have released a new album “In Ecstasy-Sea” which includes many soulful and haunting interpretations of Sri Chinmoy’s compositions.



Like many music groups of the Sri Chinmoy Centre, Blue Flower combine both Eastern and Western instruments with vocals, to create a unique sound, which has been appreciated by music lovers across Europe and the US. Continue reading “Blue Flower – Music group”

Monk Party

Monk Party is a New Zealand based musical group made up of a father and son duo Pragunya and Nelson Myers-Daley. Recently, they have recently been offering a series of concerts in Australia and New Zealand.

Monk Party’s influences include the kirtan devotional music scene, ancient Indian mantras, plus a wide range of world and spiritual music. Last August they played in front of a capacity crowd with Krishna Das which Nelson rates as one of his career highlights “It was fantastic,” he said “and a real honour”.


Continue reading “Monk Party”

Ananda concert in Bristol and Cardiff

Recently, Ananda a music group from Britain, offered two concerts in Bristol and Cardiff.


The first concert was held in the centre of Bristol at the Lord Mayor’s Chapel, Bristol, 13 December, 2015.

The group are composed of disciples of Sri Chinmoy from different cities in the UK, they perform the music of Sri Chinmoy. Ananda have had a busy year, touring in the Czech Republic and performing at several venues within the UK. Continue reading “Ananda concert in Bristol and Cardiff”

Ananda music tour of Czech and Slovakia

Ananda, a music group composed of disciples of Sri Chinmoy, have recently toured the Czech Republic and Slovakia offering a series of concerts in Bratislava, Zlín, Brno and Prague.


In Bratislava, June 22nd, they performed in the theatre of comedians Lasica & Satinsky Studio. Their concerts involve both meditation music and mantras – with the audience participating in the last song. For the first concert, there was an audience of 130 who thoroughly enjoyed the concert.

Continue reading “Ananda music tour of Czech and Slovakia”

Agnikana’s group in Australia



Recently Agnikana’s group – a music group from Czech Republic – visited Australia and New Zealand where they offered a series of concerts – performing the music of Sri Chinmoy.


The group has performed all around the world; on this tour they performed in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra and Auckland. Continue reading “Agnikana’s group in Australia”

Songs of the Soul Concert New York 2015

During a recent international celebration of Sri Chinmoy’s students in New York, a free Songs of the Soul concert was offered at the Baruch Performing Arts Centre, Manhattan.

Featuring a host of musicians from around the world, the performers offered different interpretations of Sri Chinmoy’s music.

“Everybody on earth is a musician and a singer. A singer does not have to carry a note perfectly. Music is the language of God. God’s language, music, is not like mathematics or geometry. It is a language of love. If we love music, that is enough.”

– Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy answers, part 27, Agni Press, 2000

Some of the performers on the night included:

Paree’s International Group.
Sri Chinmoy Centre Choir
Sri Chinmoy Centre Choir

Continue reading “Songs of the Soul Concert New York 2015”

50 selected recordings for Sri Chinmoy’s 50th anniversary in the West

A selection of 50 memorable audio recordings from Radio Sri Chinmoy to mark Sri Chinmoy’s 50th anniversary since arriving in the West (New York) on 13th April, 1964.


  1. Dove – Abar Asibo Phire, Bela Chale Jai – Dove “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1

Sri Chinmoy singing

  1. Bhulite Diyona – Bhulite Diyona | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1
  2. Phire Chalo – Phire Chalo | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  3. Dipto Madhuri – Dipto Madhuri | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  4. Akarane Prabhu Akarane Prabhu | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  5. Jiban Debata – Jiban Debata | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  6. Everest Aspiration – Everest Aspiration | Peace Concert in Toronto (1984)
  7. Madhurata jetanai – Madhurata jetanai | Peace Concert in Toronto 1984
  8. Dukhero Rajani Pohabena Jani – Dukhero Rajani (with harpsichord) My Unfailing Harpsichord-Friend 3
  9. Gurudev tumi amar jagiya – Gurudev tumi amar jagiya | My Heart’s Rainbow-Dreams
  10. Tamasa Rate – Tamasa Rate | One Thousand Lotus Petals Part 1, CD 1
  11. Bahir Haite Antar Mukhe – Bahir Haite Antar | One Thousand Lotus Petals Part 1, CD 1
  12. Sundara Hate – Sundara Hate | One Thousand Lotus Petals Part 1, CD 1
  13. Kata Gan Ami – Kata Gan Ami recitation, + singing with tote a tune | Meditation-Sun (1977)
  14. Tomari Hok Jai – Tomari Hok Jai | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  15. Peace In My Flying Soul – Peace in my Flying Soul | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1
  16. A Heart of Peace is Made – A Heart of Peace is Made | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1
  17. There was a Time – There was a Time | My Pilot Supreme (1972) Continue reading “50 selected recordings for Sri Chinmoy’s 50th anniversary in the West”

Songs about Jesus Christ

At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have recently published a new album of songs about Jesus Christ – performed by Agnikana’s group.

christ songs

The songs were recorded during a performance of the play ‘The Son’ in Karlínské Spektrum Theatre in Prague during February 2008. The Son, is a play written by Sri Chinmoy about the Saviour Christ. View: Christ Songs by Agnikana’s group

In the forward to the play, Sri Chinmoy writes:

“Jesus son of God, avatar of the Western consciousness. Jesus accepted a mortal body so he could reveal man’s immortality. Jesus accepted a man’s consciousness so he could fulfil the divine consciousness. Jesus accepted bodily pain so he could offer the world eternal joy. Jesus accepted betrayal so he could teach the world the meaning of forgiveness. Continue reading “Songs about Jesus Christ”

New recordings at Radio Sri Chinmoy

At Radio Sri Chinmoy we have several new recordings to share, including a live radio interview with Sri Chinmoy taken in the early 1970s. There is a also a selection of the best music from Sri Chinmoy Centre groups in the past year.


New recordings by Sri Chinmoy

New Recordings by members of Sri Chinmoy Centre