Muhammad Ali

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali passed away recently; Ali was an Olympic and multiple World Champion, who also transcended sport with his deep convictions and unique personality.

Sri Chinmoy and Muhammad Ali meditate together Sept 1977.

Sri Chinmoy was a great admirer of Muhammad Ali. In his meetings, he made a few comments about Muhammad Ali.

“You are changing the face and fate of mankind. Your very name encourages and inspires. As soon as people hear ‘Muhammad Ali,’ they are inspired. They get tremendous joy. They get such dynamism to be brave and face ignorance. Your very name does that. That’s why I am so grateful to you, so proud of you.”

– Sri Chinmoy, The seeker’s mind
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Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013)

Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s most admired leaders, recently passed away aged 95; Mandela personified South Africa’s transition to democracy and was greatly admired for his generosity of spirit and moral courage. Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 (jointly with F W De Klerk) Throughout his 95 years, Mandela sacrificed his life for the ideals of justice and peace and gave inspiration to millions across the world.

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”

— Nelson Mandela

Sri Chinmoy met Nelson Mandela on a number of occasions, and said Nelson Mandela was one of the persons’ he admired most [1]. Sri Chinmoy wrote a book on Nelson Mandela entitled ‘Nelson Mandela: The Pinnacle-Pillar of Mother Earth‘ The book is a tribute to the ideals and vision of Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela and Sri Chinmoy meet at the United Nations June 1990

Sri Chinmoy also awarded Nelson Mandela the U Thant Peace Award in 1996, for Mandela’s commitment to the ideals of peace, forgiveness and harmony.

Nelson Mandela and Sri Chinmoy in 1996, ANC headquarters.

Some selected quotes by Sri Chinmoy on Nelson Mandela:

Nelson Mandela:
The pinnacle-pillar
Of Mother Earth.


Wherever he goes,
He carries with him
The tears and smiles
Of sweetness-love.

  Continue reading “Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013)”

Happy 95th Birthday, Madiba!

Today is President Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday, and the Sri Chinmoy Centre would like to add its best wishes to the millions of birthday greetings from all around the world. Sri Chinmoy was a great admirer-friend of President Mandela, and the two had several warm and significant meetings.


Sri Chinmoy wrote a book called Nelson Mandela: The Pinnacle-Pillar of Mother Earth in his honour – below are some of the poems from the book:

“He tells poorer than the poorest human beings
In every possible way:
‘Let us dream together.
The Golden Dawn
Will soon burst forth!’”

“President Mandela’s very name
Builds a hope-cathedral
In the heart of despair-flooded humanity.”

Sri Chinmoy –

I cannot express in words my joy! What you are doing is in the interest of the entire humanity and the world.” – Nelson Mandela to Sri Chinmoy, meeting in South Africa, 1996

The above photo shows Sri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela and his wife, Mama Graca holding the torch of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, which Sri Chinmoy founded in 1987. While holding the torch President Mandela said: “We are with you in upholding peace, which brings solace to many people throughout the world. It doesn’t matter what language they speak. I think peace is one of the things that is going to save the world.”

In a statement released on his birthday, President Mandela’s health is reported to be steadily improving.

Statue of Sri Chinmoy inaugurated in the National Parliament of Timor-Leste

A statue of Sri Chinmoy offering a peace torch has been inaugurated in front of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste (East Timor), in a ceremony attended by dignitaries from all sections of Timorese society, including the President and the current and former Prime Ministers.


There were many speakers at the ceremony. A representative of Bishop of Dili opened the proceedings. The World Harmony Run Torch-Bearer Award was presented to the current Prime Minister, H.E. Xanana Gusmão, and Timor-Leste’s first Prime Minister, H.E. Mari Alkatiri.


There was a very nice moment where Mr Gusmão, ran from the entrance the entrance with the Torch, and passed it to Dr Alkatiri, who in turn ran up the steps of the parliament and gave it to the President, H.E. Taur Matan Ruak.


A choir of Sri Chinmoy’s students sang a song Sri Chinmoy had written in honour of East Timor, and also his song and ‘A New World of Peace’. The President then cut the ribbon to inaugurate the statue.


A light moment between the current and former Prime Ministers.

Photos: Agragati Siegel and Husiar Johannsen.

Further reading:

Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar, the widely revered Indian Sitar Maestro, recently passed away aged 92.  George Harrison said of Ravi Shankar that he was the ‘”godfather of world music”‘. Ravi Shankar delighted audiences for many decades with his soulfully uplifting performances. His music and life helped provide a bridge between the devotional music of India, and new audiences in the West.

Ravi Shankar and Sri Chinmoy – an early meeting.

Ravi Shankar first met with Sri Chinmoy in 1973; and in later years, the two friends met on a number of occasions. In September, 2002, Sri Chinmoy offered Ravi Shankar the U Thant Peace award. An award Sri Chinmoy gave to inspirational people who had promoted peace and harmony in the world. On giving the award, Sri Chinmoy said of Ravi Shankar:

“Every single day, your colossal music soul swiftly travels the universe and prayerfully gathers a huge bouquet of twinkling stars to place at the Feet of the Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme … Ravi Shankar the musician and God the Supreme Musician sleeplessly communicate with each other through the language of love.” (Pilgrims of Eternity)

Sri Chinmoy, Ravi Shankar Oct 2002

Continue reading “Ravi Shankar”

Tribute to World Harmony Leader Sri Chinmoy Dedicated in Puerto Rico

World harmony leader Sri Chinmoy’s lifetime of service to bettering the world was recognized last week in Caguas, Puerto Rico when a 2 metre high statue was dedicated in the Botanical and Cultural Garden of Caguas. The life-sized statue sculpted by British artist Kaivalya Torpy depicts Sri Chinmoy in a dhoti with hands raised in prayer and  joins other statues previously dedicated around the world in places such as Bali, Norway and Mexico.

The Mayor of Caguas, William Miranda Marin, received the World Harmony Run Torch and was presented with the Torchbearer Award by Run organizers. During the ceremony, Mayor Marin stated, “Sri Chinmoy will live for eternity…It is a privilege for us to have this beautiful statue of Sri Chinmoy in these gardens. We are subscribers to the same philosophy that Sri Chinmoy promoted during more than 40 years of his service to humanity.”

An international choir performed songs composed by Sri Chinmoy in honour of Puerto Rico and a procession of representatives displayed the many nations represented within the group of Sri Chinmoy’s students in attendance.

Those present from the Sri Chinmoy Centres International found it significant and appropriate that a statue be dedicated in the place where his worldwide mission began. Sri Chinmoy founded his first centre for meditation in Puerto Rico in 1966 – they now cover the globe.

The statue is located in a corner of the botanical garden ringed with trees and near a small brook.  It will serve as a grove for reflection and cultural activities for the garden’s many visitors.

Selected Comments V


Photo By: Ranjit Swanson,
Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

What a sad thing to happen to such a great man. I hope one day he will be awarded the Nobel Price. I believe that the best way to remember him is to maintain the Harmony Torch Run all over the world.

Frank Macha, Sports Development Officer
Ministry of Information, Culture and Sports, Tanzania


I am very sorry to know of the passing on of Sri Chinmoy. He has done so much to awaken mankind to the higher paths of life that can bring harmony and peace. You are all dedicated to the cause which has to continue for the good of mankind.

Swami Nirliptanda
Bharat Sevashram Sangha, London, UK.


Continue reading “Selected Comments V”

Selected Comments IV


(The following tribute comes from Ted Corbitt, who is known as the ‘father of modern ultrarunning’ having raced in and helped organise races for almost 50 years. He is still active at the age of 87, competing in a 24-hour race as recently as 2003)

Sri Chinmoy: Salutations and goodbye, for now.

Sri Chinmoy was a unique character who chose paths that had upbeat effects around the entire world.

Sri Chinmoy was productive in the expression of his talents. No one matched his artistic and physical output. Sri Chinmoy and his helpers did a unique service in the conduction of many long distance runs allowing many runners around the world to express themselves running. They have shown the world how it is done. They are unmatched.

Sri Chinmoy exploited the hours given to him. His time on earth is unforgettable among those who knew him.

We can remember and appreciate that Sri Chinmoy worked his many talents around the world, to be shared by many groups of people on the globe….

Ted Corbitt
New York Pioneer Club

(From one who appreciated the upgrade in peoples lives provided by Sri Chinmoy’s efforts.)

Continue reading “Selected Comments IV”

Selected tributes from the general public in memory of Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy photo by Unmesh

We are most grateful for the heart-felt comments and tributes left by such a wide variety of people. (see full list of tributes…)

This is just a small sample from the first 140 comments. Many thanks again to all who have left comments.

See also: Selected Tributes II

See also: tributes from world leaders and dignitaries at Sri

Selected Tributes on Sri Chinmoy

The entire Integral Yoga organization and all the students of Sri Swami Satchidananda join in loving and respectful remembrance of Sri Chinmoy. Sri Chinmoy continues to be a great inspiration to so many and his message of peace and unity will always be in our hearts.
We extend all our love and prayers to the sangha of Sri Chinmoy. May all continue to feel his blessings, guidance and spiritual presence always. OM Shanthi.

Rev. Prem Anjali
Yoga and


Our heartfelt prayers and condolences are extended to all the students of Sri Sri Chinmoy at this time of his passing. His was a truly divine life dedicated to humanity. Tonight ¨Yoga in Daily Life¨ members dedicated one minute´s silent prayer in his memory.

His Holiness Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda
Yoga in Daily Life


We have lost a great spiritual leader

The world is a poorer place without Sri Chinmoy

I am grateful he has left such a legacy of work and teachings with us and I am sure his spirit will continue to work through many of us

Alison Streeter
‘Queen of the Channel’
Holder of the record for swimming across the English channel, with 43 crossings.



My BIG BIG condolences to all in the Sri Chinmoy community !!!

Was fortunate to meet disciples and Sri Chinmoy during different occations at world run 1. Allways made a deep impression to carry your warmth with me forward on the endless roads – I’ll carry it with me however long I may last on world run 2 !

With best wishes of enjoyable running to all, where ever You are 🙂

Jesper Olsen
Became the first man to achieve a fully documented run around the world in 2005; Jesper is due to start a north-south ‘lap’ of the globe in 2008


My personal condolences to my friends in the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team. You have always had a smile on your face. Please keep it.

Phil Essam
Australian ultrarunning legend
Planet Ultramarathon


I am very sad at this moment to hear of the passing of the Great Sri Chinmoy.
He has influeneced my life greatly.
I use his books to inspire myself and others.
Just yesterday I quoted Sri Chinmoy “We are the body of our Beliefs”
My hope is that his followers will be able to carry on his mission of Peace.

Vic Lindal
Former National Volleyball Coach Canada.
TV broadcaster


Sri Chinmoy’s life has been dedicated to spread peace and harmony around the world. With his generosity and positive energy he has touched the hearts of millions. Like his soul his message will live forever.

Francois Gay
President, Swiss Natural Body Building and Fitness Federation.
Natural Mr. Universe, 1992


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