40 Peace Talks

In Australia, students of Sri Chinmoy are presenting 40 Peace talks around the country to commemorate Sri Chinmoy’s first visit in 1976. The talks offer an opportunity to learn about Sri Chinmoy’s approach to peace and how this can be made a practical reality in the lives of individuals.

Picture of Sri Chinmoy, with talk introduced by Animesh Harrington
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Australian Peace Run finishes in Canberra

On 15th August, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run completed its epic, 3 month, 15,872 km journey around the continent of Australia.


The Peace Run began in April in Canberra, and over the past 3 months, a team of international runners have run clockwise around Australia visiting all the major cities, such as Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Sydney . Along the way they have met many people who have participated in this endeavour to promote peace and goodwill.

Peace, universal peace,
Is definitely within the reach
Of all.

– Sri Chinmoy[1]


At the closing ceremony in Canberra, Prachar Stegemann offered these words on the meaning of the run.

“Sri Chinmoy founded the Peace Run in 1987, as a dynamic expression of our eternal journey towards a better world. Continue reading “Australian Peace Run finishes in Canberra”

Eternal peace flame in Oslo

At a ceremony in Oslo, there was a re-dedication of the Eternal Peace Flame – a powerful symbol and hope for peace. The Eternal Peace Flame was offered to the city of Oslo by Sri Chinmoy in 2001. For many years, the Eternal Peace Flame had a temporary home on the sea front. Now a permanent place has been found in a beautiful surroundings of Holmenkollen – overlooking the city. Next to the flame, there is now also a statue of Sri Chinmoy – a powerful work of art to represent the peace-loving life and spirit of Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Oneness-Home Peace Run.


The ceremony was joined by members of the Peace Run, and several dignitaries.

With the peace run torch by the Eternal Peace Flame

The Eternal Peace Flame plaque at the base of the sculpture:

The Eternal Peace-Flame
Holmenkollen, Norway

Dedicated by Sri Chinmoy:
Dreamer of World-Peace

The Eternal Peace-Flame
Mankind’s Oneness-Game.
Here in Norway’s Oslo,
The smiles of the world glow.

May humanity’s aspiration-heart
Find here the Beauty and Fragrance
Of real PEACE.
— Sri Chinmoy

Oslo, June 27th, 2013


Sri Chinmoy Statue in Prague

This statue of Sri Chinmoy is located on the banks of the river Vltava in Prague; in recent days, it has featured in many newspapers as images show the devastating flood waters, rising to partially submerge the statue.

Photo: Apaguha Vesely

Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) dedicated his life to the promotion of peace. He founded the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run and offered over 700 Peace Concerts around the world.

The beautiful statue was created by British sculptor, Kaivalya Torpy and was dedicated in a ceremony during October 2009. At the opening ceremony, Kaivalya Torpy  said he hoped that the statue of Sri Chinmoy would stand as a symbol of peace and hope, and inspire the next generation of peace lovers.


Sri Chinmoy wrote many short poems on the theme of peace and hope.

Can be achieved
When the power of love
The love of power.

– Sri Chinmoy [1]

No matter what happens,
Do not lose hope,
For once hope is gone,
Everything is gone.

– Sri Chinmoy [2]


Sculptor Kaivalya Torpy with statue in 2009.



Photo: Apaguha Vesely


[1] Sri Chinmoy, 1997, Peace-Lovers, AUM publications.

[2] Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 13, Agni Press, 1999.

Photos: Czech Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries / Apaguha Vesely

Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in Australia

In Australia, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home peace run recently began its epic 112 day circumnavigation around the continent of Australia.

The Peace Run was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987, with the aim of providing a dynamic way to spread the ideals of peace, harmony and goodwill around the world. In recent years, it has been called the World Harmony Run, but in 2013, the Australian Peace Run returns to its original name.


The members of the peace run team included volunteers from around the world. During the day, the team members take turns to run with the torch. The runners also take the opportunity to meet with local dignitaries, local schools and local members of the community.


The Peace Run team visiting a local school.

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Interfaith ceremony at United Nations

A choir of singers from Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations gave the opening performance at a special event called ‘United for a Culture of Peace through Interfaith Harmony’ which took place at the UN in New York. Guest speakers included the President of the General Assembly H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremić, Deputy Secretary-General H.E. Amb. Jan Eliasson, and a host of UN diplomats, ambassadors, and interfaith leaders.


In 1970, then Secretary-General U Thant invited Sri Chinmoy to conduct twice-weekly non-denominational peace meditations for delegates and staff at the United Nations. The singers included current and past UN workers, and have been performing Sri Chinmoy’s songs for many years at the United Nations and around the world.

The event also included videos of World Interfaith Harmony week celebrations around the world, a symphony of peace prayers, and a World Peace Flag ceremony.

Further reading:

World Harmony Peace Statue in Cardiff

On a recent visit to Wales, the World Harmony Run presented a ‘World Harmony Peace statue’ to the city of Cardiff. The statue is located on Cardiff Bay and gives people a chance to share in the aims of the World Harmony Run to promote peace and understanding.

Sri Chinmoy

World Harmony Peace Statue

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Start of European World Harmony Run 2012

Recently, the 2012 European leg of the World Harmony Run began its journey in Figueira da Foz, Portugal.


 Some of the participants who joined the World Harmony Run.

The city of Figueira da Foz played host to the international team of runners who will cover over 24,000 kilometres in the coming 8 months, carrying the Peace Torch through 45 European countries. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Run, which was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987.

World-renowned marathon legend Tegla Loroupe was part of the international running team in Figueira da Foz. Over 900 local school children joined her in the opening run through the city. The mayor warmly welcomed the runners and wished them a good journey ahead.

Follow latest at World Harmony Run.org


Run for World Peace

Recently, the World Harmony Run visited Kathmandu in Nepal seeking to promote the ideals of global harmony and world peace. The team of international participants were joined by many local children, sports-people and local dignitaries.


– World Harmony Run Presentation including Honorable Paramanda Jha, Deputy President of Nepal.


Runners sharing the torch.

Continue reading “Run for World Peace”

Eternal Peace Flame


Sri Chinmoy inaugurated the Eternal Peace Flame in 2001.

Quotes on Peace

I enjoy peace
Only when I am not afraid
Of changing my stubborn mind.

– Sri Chinmoy

Is in self-conquest.

– Sri Chinmoy

Is peace-starvation.

– Sri Chinmoy

Knows no peace.

– Sri Chinmoy

Recently, a statue of Sri Chinmoy was added to the site. The statue was sculpted by Kaivalya Topry.


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