World Harmony Peace Statue in Cardiff


On a recent visit to Wales, the World Harmony Run presented a ‘World Harmony Peace statue’ to the city of Cardiff. The statue is located on Cardiff Bay and gives people a chance to share in the aims of the World Harmony Run to promote peace and understanding.

Sri Chinmoy

World Harmony Peace Statue

plaquePlaque by the statue. It includes a quote by Sri Chinmoy, who founded the   World Harmony Run 25 years ago.

“Peace is not merely the absence of war. Peace is the dynamic and energetic presence of love, harmony and oneness in the world family”

– Sri Chinmoy

Salil Wilson, and Mayor of Cardiff and his wife making wish for peace by statue.


The maker of the statue – Kaivalya


The World Harmony Run team by statue. They had recently arrived from France and are now running towards Ireland as part of the European World Harmony Run, which started in Portugal recently.


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