Concert of Spiritual Music in New York


In New York, students of Sri Chinmoy recently offered a concert of spiritual music as part of a festival of meditation and spirituality.

The concert was held at Anna Silver Auditorium on Essex Street in New York; it featured a diverse selection of music and mantras offered by different vocal and instrumental ensembles.

The evening program included: a cappella women’s choir – Paree’s International Group, and meditative singing and mantras performed by Vedic Fire. Other groups performing in the concert included: Srivantu, Sri Chinmoy Centre Choir, Enthusiasm-Awakeners, Heart-Dawn, Earth-Bondage-Liberation-Dream. There was also a few short films with the music of Spiritual Master, Sri Chinmoy.

One of the music groups.

Introducing the performers.

Other events in the festival of meditation and spirituality included two videos on the theme of ‘The Power Within’.

  • Spirit of the Runner: a remarkable film story of Suprabha Beckjord, the only women ever to complete the world’s longest certified road race – the Self-Transcendence 3,100-mile foot race.
  • Challenging Impossibility: a film about how Spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy captured the world’s imagination by demonstrating th the power of meditation through weightlifting.

For more information about meditation and workshops in New York, see: NYC

Credit: Ashish Zubaty and Photos Bhashwar.

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