Mount Snowdon dedicated as a Peace Blossom Mountain

Mount Snowdon, the tallest mountain in Wales, was dedicated as a peace blossom mountain in a ceremony coinciding with the arrival of the World Harmony Run.


The runners were met at the bottom of Mount Snowdon by Mrs Owen of Gwynedd County Council, and Lord Elis Thomas the presiding officer of the Welsh Parliament. The runners then set off up the slopes of Mount Snowdon with others following in a train. There was a light hearted race with the runners trying to beat the train to the top ( which they succeeded in doing)

Mount Snowdon

View from the Top of the Mount Snowdon

At the top of the Mountain, there was an informal ceremony with people holding the torch and sharing their wishes for World Harmony.


Lord Thomas and Charana Evans holding the Harmony Torch at the top of Mount Snowdon

Sri Chinmoy founded the World Harmony Run in 1986; many other natural monuments and landmarks have also been dedicated to world peace and harmony, such as this Sri Chinmoy Harmony Bridge in Austria and Slovenia

See also:

WHR report of Mount Snowden Dedication

Peace Runner race Mount Snowdon Train at Welsh Post

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