World Interfaith Harmony event at UN


Recently, the Singers from Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations were invited to perform at the World Interfaith Harmony programme, organized by the UN Alliance of Civilizations. The program was held on 12 February 2014 in the UN Trusteeship Council Chamber and also webcast on UN Television.


The Choir has performed for many years at the UN, and other venues around the world, songs composed by Sri Chinmoy. In 1970, then Secretary-General U Thant invited the spiritual leader to conduct twice-weekly non-denominational peace meditations for delegates and staff at UN Headquarters in New York. Until his passing in 2007, Sri Chinmoy brought his multifaceted inspiration to the United Nations family through meditations, lectures, concerts, art exhibits and special programmes, and the Singers are honoured to continue in this spirit.

You are welcome to visit the UN webcast of the event at 2:03 to 2:11 (approximately 2 hours into the programme).

The Singers also opened last year’s UN Interfaith event held in the UN
General Assembly Hall on 14 February 2013. Video link

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