At the closing ceremony of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in Australia 2014, a new statue of Sri Chinmoy was unveiled in Canberra. The statue is located by a lake at Regatta point.
The statue of Sri Chinmoy, sculpted by Kaivalya Torpy.
The Peace Torch
Runners mark the end of their journey through Australia, spreading a message of peace and harmony.
More photos at Peace
Right now fear, doubt, anxiety, tension and disharmony are reigning supreme. But there shall come a time when this world of ours will be flooded with peace. Who is going to bring about that radical change? It will be you: you and your sisters and brothers, who are an extension of your reality-existence. It will be you and your oneness-heart, which is spread throughout the length and breadth of the world. Peace is unity. Peace is oneness, within and without.”