Flying Aalto wins 3100 Mile Race in record time

Ashprihanal Aalto, 44, from Helsinki Finland won the 19th Annual Self-Transcendence Race in a new world record time of 40 days+09:06:21.

He set a new record for the 3100 Mile Race – taking 23 hours, 10 minutes off the record held by German legend Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk.

During the 3100 mile race Mr. Aalto averaged 76.776 miles per day (123.559 km). This is equivalent to running nearly three marathons a day – consecutively for over 40 days.

3100 mile race

At the end of his epic race, Ashprihanal was greeted on the line by the other runners, helpers and spectators who came along to see this historic event.


3100 Miles in under 41 days!JG1_4722


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