Personal websites of Sri Chinmoy’s students

Quite a few students of Sri Chinmoy have set up their own spaces on the Internet where they can share inspiration, give an insight into the joys and challenges of the spiritual life, and share some of the experiences they have had with their teacher. Ashrita has been meditating with Sri Chinmoy for over 35 years. In 1978 he felt an inner calling to transcend his capacities by breaking Guinness World Records – and thats what he’s been doing for the past 29 years! He now holds over 60 records, by far the most records held by one person. His recent blog has accounts of record breaking attempts, travel stories, and humorous asides on life in general.

Jogyata Dallas’s site at Sri Chinmoy Centre: Jogyata hails from Auckland, New Zealand and has been a student of Sri Chinmoy’s for 25 years. Jogyata’s writing has great depth and feeling and captures a real sense of the adventure that is the spiritual life, as he shares the ups and downs of his own journey and relates lots of nice experiences he has had over the years with Sri Chinmoy and with other students. Sumangali Morhall has a tremendous talent for prose and poetry, much of which can be viewed on her personal section of the Sri Chinmoy Centre site. She has only just started in the last couple of months, but we definitely look forward to some writing gems from her new site. Richard is webmaster of, the most comprehensive collection of spiritual poetry on the Internet. In addition, he is quite a good amateur cyclist, finishing 4th in the National Championships in 2005. His personal site and blog contains a potpourri of articles about meditation, spirituality, cycling, economics (his day job) and a lot of humour!

1 thought on “Personal websites of Sri Chinmoy’s students”

  1. Hi! there, I’m Martha Drobikov and I’d like to create my own personal web-site.I’m not a student of Sri Chinmoy, but I’d Love to become one someday.I feel a great sense of capacity on my spiritual life, and I’d like to share it with you and the rest of the world.I’ve been reading a lot there is to know about Sri Chinmoy, and I too feel a conection and inspiration with his teachings.
    I’ll sure would Love to meet and enjoy the challenges that will bring to me ahead I hope! Thanks for your support. Martha Drobikov.

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