Annapurna was opened in 1974, by Shivaram & Devavira two students of Sri Chinmoy from Toronto.
It is now the oldest vegetarian restaurant in Ontario. It is renowned for its peaceful and welcoming atmosphere and its excellent range of healthy gastronomic delights.

AnnapÅ«rá¹‡Ä is a Sanskrit name which literally means “full of food” (feminine form), but is normally translated as Goddess of the Harvests. In Hinduism, Annapurna is a goddess of fertility and agriculture and an avatar of Durga.
More Canadian enterprises at Sri Chinmoy Centre
As a student of Sri Chinmoy, I have worked at Annapurna for the past 24 years. I have grown
spiritually and look upon this experience as
live-changing and a great opportunity for my
spiritual advancement.
I have now lived in Spain the last 24 years. I have kept up with Sri.Chinmoy news/info. through the years & never lost touch.Was very sad to know that he had left us.Here in Spain I see his music CDs in the shops & it watms my heart.
How are you dear friend? Now with access to internet I have your address & pertinent Annapurna & Sr.Chinmoy info. Drop me a line please. What news of Mayetri Devi, Yogiraj Shastri? I lost touch with Shastriji 20 yrs ago. We had an active correspondence & suddenly nothing….called his Tampa.Florida number many times to no avail. Please remember me to Devavira and Laird (Brown), with much affection,Tutu
A big Hello from Paris in Beijing to all my brothers and sisters in Toronto. Miss you all very much. 30 years pass by just like that.
How are you these days, Shivaram and Devavira ? Where is Laird Brown now ?
I would like to get in touch with Tutu Lahiri if you have her email address I would be grateful for it.I shared ahouse with her in 1960 in London in our student days Sally
This is for Tutu and (Spain) and Pars(beijing)
We are well. I saw your posts today Feb. 4, 2011) i shall find out how to reach you (e-mail) via any links thru this post.Maitreyi left us all last July 2010. LB – Not in touch for several years now.