12 thoughts on “Video of tribute by U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman”

  1. A masterful tribute moving ,correct ,inspirational ,
    that will be documented for future generations
    thank you thank you

  2. Thank you, for sharing this tribute and video. I am one who could not be there and yearn to be there. Now I am feeling a little like I am there.

  3. Thank you for posting this moving memorial address by Congressmen Gary Ackerman. I believe that for all of us that could not be there personally, this video will unite our hearts and souls. Sri Chinmoy lived a life that called us all higher. Our greatest tribute to him is to follow his example. May his Light continue to illumine the world. I can only hope that the flame he kindled in my heart will forever grow.

  4. Sri Chinmoy, is and always will be in my heart. He has inspired me over and over in my life. For me he will never be far away from my mind and soul.

    Thank you my Gurudeva, gratitiude.

    Margrit Koch

  5. I cannot say enough about the man and
    how he affected my life. Appreciate
    the reflections and the depth of emotion in
    Congressman Ackerman’s tribute and
    know what good company he is in!!

  6. What a beautiful tribute to Sri Chinmoy. Congressman Ackerman has really understood and captured the essence of Sri Chinmoy’s life and message – and offers his heart’s wealth with such clarity and luminosity. Thanks for sharing it with us – it is something I will treasure. – Shardul (NZ).

  7. Thank you for this most wonderful video for those who could not be in attendance. It has truly brought some closure.

    Thank you very much to Congressman Gary Ackerman for his beautiful words and reflection of one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind.

    Also thank you to the family, friends, and followers of Sri Chinmoy, who loves this great man and believes in the life he lived on earth. We are all very blessed to have had him in our lives by whatever role he played.

    And most certainly, this goes without saying but cannot be said enough, thank you Sri Chinmoy for being a living inspiration as His expression. It brings me great joy to know that you are in a much deserving, loving, eternal place.

    I will see someday

    Glory be to God

  8. Thank you for posting the video. It is a very deep inspiration to listen to Gary Ackerman’s heartfelt words. Doris

  9. You left your peace with us like a gentle morning mist amongst the garden of our souls. With you came life..and the morning light.

  10. Many many thanks for posting this beautiful tribute to Sri Chinmoy. I’ve listened to it many times and each time reveals the beauty of both Gary Ackerman and the influence our beloved Master had on people. Now Sri Chinmoy lives in Spirit in all of us who have been touched by Him and whose lives have been inspired by His words and actions. Gratitude ! The world needs more Gary Ackerman; like him, let us transcend our barriers and reach for the Oneness Goal that Sri Chinmoy gave His life for.

  11. I am very sorry to know of the passing Sri Chinmoy. He has done so much to awaken spirituality to the higher paths of life that can bring harmony and peace to his disciples. I stopped on some way to learn from him.He is ,was great spiritual teacher.I hope he will continue inspire people by his fulfilled work and people will remember him.

    His disciple Ruslan Turgenbaev

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