Mongolian World Harmony Run

The World Harmony Run recently passed through the mountainous country of Mongolia, the scenery providing a wonderful backdrop to this initiative to promote world peace.


Flags flying in the wind. Photo Pranlobha.

Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the World Harmony Run, visited Mongolia in 2007 where he was given an award by the President Nambaryn Enkhbayar See: Sri Chinmoy Mongolia visit


Pranlobha Kalagian from Seattle, writes about her experience participating in the World Harmony Run across Mongolia. Mongolia dreaming

Photos from Mongolia by Pranlobha

Photos from Mongolai by Erdenebaatar

Video of Mongolian Harmony Run


“The majestic Mongolian landscape plays a feature role in this beautiful coverage of the World Harmony Run’s travels across the country, meeting school children, soldiers, track runners, city officials and large gatherings. “

Video and Edit: Erdenebaatar Gankhuu. Postediting and Coding: Kedar Misani

Video also at: Sri Chinmoy TV

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