Two New Channel Swims

This summer, two members of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team successfully completed  swimming across the English Channel. Since Vasanti Niemz and Adhiratha Keefe completed the first swims in 1985, the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team have now completed a total of 41 solo swims, with Karteek Clarke of Scotland making most successful swims (10).


Angikar and his helper Ayojan at Shakespeare beach, Dover, by the famous white cliffs.

Angikar completed the swim in 19hrs 24mins on the 8th August, becoming the first Serbian to successfully complete the swim.

Vasanti Niemz

Vasanti Niemz completed her swim on 03/09/2010 in a time of 16 hours 50 mins – 25 years after her first successful crossing in 1985.

After completing her epic swim across the channel, Vasanti proceeded to embark on the next leg of her epic triathlon feat. Running two marathons and cycling 300km to finish in the German town of Aachen. Vasanti’s blog

Channel Triathlon – Vasanti’s blog

List of successful channel swims at Sri Chinmoy Races

Articles on Channel Swims at Sri Chinmoy Races

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