Photos From Songs of the Soul Concert

A few selected photos from a recent Songs of the Soul concert in New York, celebrating the music of Sri Chinmoy.


The Grand finale – The international music group, Gandharva Loka comprising students of Sri Chinmoy.

Top Indian musicians Tapan and Santanu joined by Premik and others.

A musical tribute to Sri Chinmoy by Maestro Leonard Bernstein.

During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy met with the great musical maestro, Leonard Bernstein. Leonard Bernstein was so moved he composed a short song in honour of Sri Chinmoy. During the concert, this song was performed.

“Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy,
Free in joy!
Thank you, thank you, Sri Chinmoy-
You brought Leonard Bernstein joy.”

From: Four Summit-Height Melodies at Sri Chinmoy Library

Photos by Jowan and Prashphutita.

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