Meditation and Surfing

Sri Chinmoy taught the practice of concentration and meditation could be applied to any field of life. A new video – ‘ Surfing Monk’ shows how a few students of Sri Chinmoy incorporated their love of surfing into their search for enlightenment.

Ocean Monk Trailer from Ocean

The video has been selected as an official film for the New York surf film festival and features Kelly Slater, Jack Johnson, Titus Kinimaka and Sri Chinmoy.

“..When you are surcharged with infinite energy, then no matter what you are facing, you will not be frightened. When you have divine energy in boundless measure, your divine energy enters into the wave before you touch that wave…”

– Sri Chinmoy. From conversation with Ian Cairns. Excerpt from My Heart’s Salutation To Australia, Part 1 by Sri Chinmoy

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