Sangit Surabhi

Sangit Surabhi is an all-female vocal and instrumental ensemble founded in 2007.  The group is based in Ottawa, Canada and comprises members from the Sri Chinmoy Centre.


Sangit Surabhi performing at The Garden of Light in Ottawa.


Sangit Surabhi perform the devotional songs of Sri Chinmoy, who composed many thousands of meditative songs. Sri Chinmoy writes of music:

Music knows no frontiers.
It is free all-where.
Its contribution to emotional integration,
Human and divine,
Can never be fathomed.

Sri Chinmoy (1)

Further Reading

Sangit Surabhi

1 thought on “Sangit Surabhi”

  1. … Namaste Sangitsurabhi, am enjoying viewing & listening. Thank you for being and for
    sharing your music. It was great to see & be with those of you who were in Nelson during
    the World Harmony Run/2012. Love Peace Blessings, naami

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