World’s Heaviest Shoes

Ashrita Furman recently set a new Guinness World Record for walking in the heaviest shoes, another unique feat of self-transcendence from the person who holds the most current Guinness World Records. The record was part of Guinness’ annual – Guinness World Records day. Previous records include challenging events such as the most consecutive forward rolls – a rather nauseous 12 miles, and the longest continuous distance whilst balancing milk bottle – 80 miles .

In a recent article at the Wall Street Journal, Ashrita explains his inspiration for feats of self-transcendence come from his meditation and spiritual teacher  Sri Chinmoy. Though unathletic at school, Ashrita found a new source of energy and athleticism after practising yoga and meditation under the tutelage of Sri Chinmoy.

“I want to inspire people,” says Mr. Furman, who is almost always training for three or four events. “If you have a dream, you can achieve your dream. I’m living my dream.” – Ashrita at Wall Street Journal

Ashrita featured in the British Sun

Ashrita Campo

The world’s heaviest shoes and Campo at Run and Become, London.

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