When The Power of Love Replaces The Love Of Power

Sri Chinmoy taught a simple message that the power of love needs to replace the love of power.

power of love

Sri Chinmoy expressed this philosophy in a number of aphorisms:

When the power of love
Replaces the love of power,
Man will have a new name:

– Sri Chinmoy 1

Can be achieved
When the power of love
The love of power.

– Sri Chinmoy 2

Explaining the meaning of this aphorism, Sri Chinmoy writes

“Question: I have read your aphorism that says. “When the power of love replaces the love of power, man will have a new name: God.” Could you please elaborate on this?

Sri Chinmoy: The love of vital power is destroying the entire world, but the divine love, which is power itself, can only transform us—transform the human in us into the divine. The love of power is the love of supremacy. If I can have a little more power than you, then I will try to lord it over you. An individual or a nation feels that by exercising power it is possible to conquer the heart of humanity. But this is impossible! We are crying to see the Face of God, not because He is all Power, but because He is all Love. It is only the power of love that can really conquer the heart and change the face of humanity.

This is not only my discovery; it is the discovery of all sincere seekers. If we feel that the world is full of hate, we will constantly have a bitter feeling toward life. Then immediately we will try to conquer the world with our vital power, the power that wants to dominate. But when we pray and meditate early in the morning, if we cherish good thoughts, divine thoughts, loving thoughts that come from the depths of our heart, immediately we feel that the world is our friend. We feel that there is no enemy for us or that there are very few enemies. At that time we are experiencing the positive power, the power of oneness, which comes from love….”

Continue Reading at Sri Chinmoy Library

  1. Sri Chinmoy, 1970, Meditations: Food For The Soul, Agni Press
  2. Sri Chinmoy, 1997, Peace-Lovers, AUM publications

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