Sri Chinmoy on the Mind and Heart

Sri Chinmoy wrote many poems and articles about the role of the mind and heart.

“Two instruments: mind and heart. The mind is division: world-division and self-division. World-division is nothing short of world-poverty. Self-division is the beginning of self-destruction. The heart is acceptance: acceptance of the inner life and acceptance of the outer life. The inner life is aspiration. The outer life is dedication.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Excerpt from My Rose Petals, Part 5 by Sri Chinmoy “Two Instruments: Mind and Heart”

In this interview, Sri Chinmoy explains the difference between the mind-jungle and heart-garden.

This is a short video of an interview between Sri Chinmoy and Dr Russell Barber, former Religion and Ethics Editor at NBC-TV.Millennium interview Video’s produced by Shambhu Ltd

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