Blue Flower – Music group

Blue Flower is a music group, dedicated to the music of Sri Chinmoy, which was formed in Novi Sad, Serbia in 1998. Recently, they have released a new album “In Ecstasy-Sea” which includes many soulful and haunting interpretations of Sri Chinmoy’s compositions.



Like many music groups of the Sri Chinmoy Centre, Blue Flower combine both Eastern and Western instruments with vocals, to create a unique sound, which has been appreciated by music lovers across Europe and the US. Continue reading “Blue Flower – Music group”

Ananda concert in Bristol and Cardiff

Recently, Ananda a music group from Britain, offered two concerts in Bristol and Cardiff.


The first concert was held in the centre of Bristol at the Lord Mayor’s Chapel, Bristol, 13 December, 2015.

The group are composed of disciples of Sri Chinmoy from different cities in the UK, they perform the music of Sri Chinmoy. Ananda have had a busy year, touring in the Czech Republic and performing at several venues within the UK. Continue reading “Ananda concert in Bristol and Cardiff”

Songs about Jesus Christ

At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have recently published a new album of songs about Jesus Christ – performed by Agnikana’s group.

christ songs

The songs were recorded during a performance of the play ‘The Son’ in Karlínské Spektrum Theatre in Prague during February 2008. The Son, is a play written by Sri Chinmoy about the Saviour Christ. View: Christ Songs by Agnikana’s group

In the forward to the play, Sri Chinmoy writes:

“Jesus son of God, avatar of the Western consciousness. Jesus accepted a mortal body so he could reveal man’s immortality. Jesus accepted a man’s consciousness so he could fulfil the divine consciousness. Jesus accepted bodily pain so he could offer the world eternal joy. Jesus accepted betrayal so he could teach the world the meaning of forgiveness. Continue reading “Songs about Jesus Christ”

Songs of the Soul New York April 2013

As part of the 49th anniversary celebrations for Sri Chinmoy’s arrival in the West, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre offered a concert of soulful and meditative music at the New York Society for Ethical Culture in New York.

Sahadeva’s ensemble

The Songs of the Soul concert, featuring arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s music, was held on the 15th April at a packed venue in Manhattan. The concert featured performances from a variety of musicians and groups, such as Alap Jetzer, the Sri Chinmoy Bhajan singers, Pavaka and friends, the Sahadeva Orchestra and an ensemble of local New York musicians. There was also recitations of Sri Chinmoy’s poetry and videos from Sri Chinmoy’s peace concerts.

Continue reading “Songs of the Soul New York April 2013”

Live music streaming from radio Sri Chinmoy

At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have published a new live streaming channel, which offers a range of music composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by a variety of music groups.


The channel, World Harmony Mix, features a large array of musical performances from music groups such as Temple-Song-Hearts, Ananda, Mountain Silence Ghandarva Loka, and Shindhu.

The channel offers a very relaxing and energising musical accompaniment.

“Music is the mother tongue of humanity. God is the Supreme Musician. It is through music that we can enter into the universal harmony. It is through music that God’s Beauty is being manifested in His all loving Creation.”

– Sri Chinmoy [1]


Listen Now



[1] Sri Chinmoy, The Vedas: Immortality’s First Call, Agni Press, 1972.

Songs about Jesus Christ by Mountain Silence

At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have recently published a new recording by Mountain-Silence, featuring songs about Jesus Christ.


Mountain-Silence are a group of female musicians from Switzerland, Austria and other surrounding countries. Over the past few years, they have extensively toured around Europe, offering concerts of spiritual music.

In their repertoire, they have recorded several songs, composed by Sri Chinmoy about the Saviour Jesus Christ. Some songs are based on quotations from the Bible, others songs are dedicated to Jesus Christ – either in Bengali or English.

Sri Chinmoy said of the Saviour Christ:

“As the beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ came into the world to become part and parcel of earth’s existence, and to transform its consciousness from human to divine. True, his mortal years numbered a mere thirty-three, but birthless and deathless is His immortal sacrifice for Heaven and earth.” [1]

Other Albums featuring songs about Jesus Christ



[1] Excerpt from World-Destruction: Never, Impossible! Part 1 by Sri Chinmoy.