30th Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile

On 9th March 2016, local schoolchildren and members of the Peace Run participated in a short event to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile in Battersea Park.

The Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile, Battersea Park, with Peace Pagoda in the background.

Several schools came to participate in this simple event which sought to mark the importance of cultivating peace and harmony within our communities. Continue reading “30th Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile”

Peace Run 2016

The 2016 Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run has begun its journey across different continents, with the European leg recently starting in Portugal. Later in the year, this global relay torch run will also take place in north America, Australasia, Asia and Latin America.

The Peace Run was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987; in the past three decades the Peace Run has visited thousands of locations across the globe, giving many people the opportunity to participate in this grassroots initiative for peace and harmony.


The Peace Run welcomed by a school in Matosinhos, Portugal. Continue reading “Peace Run 2016”

Leeds Peace City

On Saturday 17th May, the city of Leeds was re-dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom, during a ceremony attended by the Mayor of Leeds and members of the Peace Run who are travelling through England.

Leeds was initially dedicated as a Peace City in 1995 on United Nations day, 24th October 1995. This May, the Sri Chinmoy Peace Run is travelling through England and up to Scotland as part of the European Peace Run. With the run passing through Leeds, the city of Leeds kindly agreed to make a new plaque and honour the Peace Run.


The Lord Mayor of Leeds Councillor Tom Murray unveiled the plaque and spoke welcoming the runners and affirming the city of Leeds’ commitment to diversity, tolerance and the promotion of peace. Continue reading “Leeds Peace City”

European Peace Run 2014

The European Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is steadily making its progress across the European continent, offering a message of peace and goodwill. The Peace Run began it’s momentous journey in Belgium this February, before travelling through Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and now through the Balkan countries. It will continue to travel through many European countries before finishing in Belgrade this autumn.


President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy lit the Peace Torch in Brussels to mark the beginning of the 2014 run (Link)

Mr. Van Rompuy said on the opening day “Establishing, maintaining and developing peace is an ongoing run, an ongoing battle. (…) So thank you for everything you are doing to bring people closer together. You are proving to us that taking part in this Run is not just exercise or sport. It is, I insist on it, a way of life.”

Peace Run in Croatia
Peace Run in Croatia

The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run was founded in 1987 by peace visionary, Sri Chinmoy. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s time in the West, and remains a powerful vehicle for spreading peace throughout thousands of individuals around the world.

There is no human being on earth
Who does not have the capacity
To offer the message of peace
To the world at large.
But what is needed now
Is the soulful willingness. 1

– Sri Chinmoy

Continue reading “European Peace Run 2014”

Australian Peace Run finishes in Canberra

On 15th August, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run completed its epic, 3 month, 15,872 km journey around the continent of Australia.


The Peace Run began in April in Canberra, and over the past 3 months, a team of international runners have run clockwise around Australia visiting all the major cities, such as Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Sydney . Along the way they have met many people who have participated in this endeavour to promote peace and goodwill.

Peace, universal peace,
Is definitely within the reach
Of all.

– Sri Chinmoy[1]


At the closing ceremony in Canberra, Prachar Stegemann offered these words on the meaning of the run.

“Sri Chinmoy founded the Peace Run in 1987, as a dynamic expression of our eternal journey towards a better world. Continue reading “Australian Peace Run finishes in Canberra”

Statue of Sri Chinmoy in Ipswich

Recently a statue of Sri Chinmoy holding a Peace Torch was dedicated at Chantery Park, Ipswich; the statue was a gift from the Oneness-Home Peace Run, and marked the culmination of a week long Peace Run from Cardiff to Ipswich.

Statue with Mayor of Ipswich and sculptor Kaivalya Torpy

Sri Chinmoy visited Ipswich on two occasions, in the the 1980s and 1990s, and the city is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms programme. Several athletic events have also been offered by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team in Ipswich over the years.

The organiser of the event, Martin Spettigue commented that:

“We want to offer something that will inspire people to think more and more about peace and to understand how important peace is to an individual.”

The Mayor of Ipswich offered his gratitude to the Peace Run team for kindly offering this symbol of peace and said it would be a great asset to Chantery Park.

Continue reading “Statue of Sri Chinmoy in Ipswich”

Eternal peace flame in Oslo

At a ceremony in Oslo, there was a re-dedication of the Eternal Peace Flame – a powerful symbol and hope for peace. The Eternal Peace Flame was offered to the city of Oslo by Sri Chinmoy in 2001. For many years, the Eternal Peace Flame had a temporary home on the sea front. Now a permanent place has been found in a beautiful surroundings of Holmenkollen – overlooking the city. Next to the flame, there is now also a statue of Sri Chinmoy – a powerful work of art to represent the peace-loving life and spirit of Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Oneness-Home Peace Run.


The ceremony was joined by members of the Peace Run, and several dignitaries.

With the peace run torch by the Eternal Peace Flame

The Eternal Peace Flame plaque at the base of the sculpture:

The Eternal Peace-Flame
Holmenkollen, Norway

Dedicated by Sri Chinmoy:
Dreamer of World-Peace

The Eternal Peace-Flame
Mankind’s Oneness-Game.
Here in Norway’s Oslo,
The smiles of the world glow.

May humanity’s aspiration-heart
Find here the Beauty and Fragrance
Of real PEACE.
— Sri Chinmoy

Oslo, June 27th, 2013


Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in Australia

In Australia, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home peace run recently began its epic 112 day circumnavigation around the continent of Australia.

The Peace Run was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987, with the aim of providing a dynamic way to spread the ideals of peace, harmony and goodwill around the world. In recent years, it has been called the World Harmony Run, but in 2013, the Australian Peace Run returns to its original name.


The members of the peace run team included volunteers from around the world. During the day, the team members take turns to run with the torch. The runners also take the opportunity to meet with local dignitaries, local schools and local members of the community.


The Peace Run team visiting a local school.

Continue reading “Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in Australia”