In Den Haag, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre run a Health Food Store, which recently moved to a new, bigger store. The new health food store has a mixture of organic food, fresh to-go meals, smoothies and juices, and aims to offer an integral approach to healthy living.

The manager, Pradeep, kindly shared with us some thoughts about the new store.
Question: Tell us a little about the move to a new shop
/Pradeep/ We had been two years in the old location which was right across the street but the building was not any more suitable for the needs of a modern day health food store. We had many new ideas and great capacities within the team of workers that couldn’t really come to fruition there because of lack of space. We decided we would search for a bigger location, and after two years we got this opportunity for a new bigger location right opposite the street, not even ten meters away. With the help of designers, such as Bikash, Sumangali, Chandrakanta and Drisalu we worked on developing a new concept for our Madal Bal shop - Happy, Healthy, Tasty. Continue reading “New Health Food Store in Den Haag”