November 19th was the 40th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna Kala – “Fountain Art”; this anniversary was observed around the world.

A painting of Sri Chinmoy
“Jharna-Kala” is the Bengali name Sri Chinmoy chose for his artwork. The English translation is “Fountain Art” – which signifies art flowing from the source of creation, flowing from the inspiration he receives in meditation.
He began painting on November 19th, 1974 in Ottawa, Canada. Over the next 33 years, Sri Chinmoy produced a prolific output of paintings.
One art critic commented on the paintings of Sri Chinmoy:
“Instead of seeing the world as a concrete, solid body where things are separate, Sri Chinmoy sees the world as a unity where all things seem to move together. The paintings are physical manifestations of his inner meditations. They show a higher level of consciousness.
– T.J.Bergen, Secretary American Contemporary Artists Galleries.

A Soul Bird drawing. Sri Chinmoy signed his paintings CKG Continue reading “Jharna Kala 40th anniversary”