Songs of the Soul New York April 2013

As part of the 49th anniversary celebrations for Sri Chinmoy’s arrival in the West, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre offered a concert of soulful and meditative music at the New York Society for Ethical Culture in New York.

Sahadeva’s ensemble

The Songs of the Soul concert, featuring arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s music, was held on the 15th April at a packed venue in Manhattan. The concert featured performances from a variety of musicians and groups, such as Alap Jetzer, the Sri Chinmoy Bhajan singers, Pavaka and friends, the Sahadeva Orchestra and an ensemble of local New York musicians. There was also recitations of Sri Chinmoy’s poetry and videos from Sri Chinmoy’s peace concerts.

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‘Jewels of Happiness’ Audiobook launched at United Nations

An audio book containing selected writings by Sri Chinmoy read out by 17 diplomatic, musical and athletic luminaries – including Archbishop Desmond Tutu and 9-time Olympian Carl Lewis – was launched at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

cover-v2 The launch took place on the eve of the first UN International Day of Happiness, to celebrate that landmark event. The chapters of the celebrity audio book contains inspiring passages and poems deal that are divided into themes such as patience, gratitude and enthusiasm – qualities that can be cultivated to gain lasting happiness.

Over 500 United Nations ambassadors, delegates, staff and members of NGOs were present at the launch. “These sweet gems of wisdom by my dear friend Sri Chinmoy are timeless truths full of encouragement, love and goodness,” Nobel Peace Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, said in a video message. “Sri Chinmoy was a pioneer in forging a grand alliance of hearts and minds for the culture of peace,“ said Anwarul Chowdhury, Special Advisor and former Under-Secretry-General to the United Nations, in his introduction.

Ambassador Chowdhury makes the opening remarks.

Renowned composer Philip Glass performed on the piano while Cathy Oerter, co-founder of Art of the Olympians and wife of legendary Olympian Al Oerter, and Ashrita Furman, holder of the most Guinness World Records, read from the book live.

Guinness record breaker Ashrita Furman reads from the chapter on ‘Enthusiasm’
Cathy Oerter reads from the chapter on ‘Patience’

A special message from peace activist Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi, and former Member of Parliament in South Africa, was also read out.

Among the 17 outstanding individuals who read a chapter of the new audio book:

  • Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu
  • 5-time Grammy Award winning singer and songwriter Roberta Flack
  • Olympic legend Carl Lewis
  • Emmy and Tony award winning actress Judith Light
  • legendary Russian singer Boris Grebenshikov.

The Jewels of Happiness presents selected writings of Indian born Sri Chinmoy, who offered twice-weekly peace meditations for delegates and staff at the United Nations for 37 years. He also initiated global programmes to foster peace and happiness including the world’s largest relay run for international friendship and peace.

The audio book is available on itunes and and its proceeds will go to charities for children worldwide: Nelson Mandela Childrens Fund, Philani Nutrition and Development Project in South Africa and Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity.

Sushumna Mary Plumbly

Sushumna Mary Plumbly, who recently passed away aged 90, was one of the founding members of the London Sri Chinmoy Centre, and an early disciple of Sri Chinmoy.

sushumna_imgSushumna was widely admired and loved for her kindness, concern, cheerfulness, and her devotion to her Spiritual Master, Sri Chinmoy.

For many years, Sushumna worked for the BBC in children’s broadcasting – she also later opened a tea shop.

Sushumna became a student of Sri Chinmoy in the early 1970s, shortly after her daughter Swarnodaya met Sri Chinmoy in New York. As a new disciple, Sushumna guided the London Sri Chinmoy Centre through its formative years and was always very welcoming and encouraging to new members. She was in many ways a quintessential English lady, noted for her fine manners and kind disposition.

In the 1970s, Sushumna helped to organise some of Sri Chinmoy’s early visits to England and his university lectures, including Oxford and Cambridge university. Sushumna also accompanied Sri Chinmoy on some of this travels around England and later recounted many fascinating stories of travelling with Sri Chinmoy, in these early days.

Sushumna wrote a couple of short books about her experiences with Sri Chinmoy. They were written with her characteristic modesty and simplicity, but also contained interesting anecdotes and illumining experiences of the spiritual life.

This is a short extract from her book: Things My Guru Taught Me by Sushumna Mary Plumbly

It was on a sunny summer day at the little Sri Chinmoy Centre in Brighton that I received my spiritual name. The Master placed his hands on my head and spelled it out: S-U-S-H-U-M-N-A. Sushumna. I felt again that spiritual joy that I had experienced the first time I saw Sri Chinmoy. A little voice from deep inside said, “Yes, that’s right, that’s me.” Another, more worldly voice said, “Oh heavens! I’ll never remember it.” I spent the rest of the day in a rosy glow, and on going to bed that night attempted to repeat it one hundred times, as advised. I think I fell asleep after ten! (p23-24)

In her book, Sushumna also writes about the meaning of her name. -  ‘Sushumna is the channel through which the kundalini-power travels to reach the thousand petalled lotus in the crown‘.  She also writes about the spiritual meaning of her name, as given by Sri Chinmoy, saying ‘Sushumna relates to the longing to bring Heaven’s Light and Love to earth.’


New Gelateria in Zurich

In Zurich, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre have recently founded a new ice-cream bar/ cafe in the centre of Zurich.


The Divine Enterprise was inaugurated in January 2013, in the centre  of Zurich. The name of the enterprise is  “The Sacred and Secret Way of Amazing Strength” which had  been given by Sri Chinmoy himself some 12 years ago. Abarita Dänzer,  owner of the “Secrets of Perfection-Flames” (Tofu Factory) took over a  former vegan bakery and take-away, and transformed it into a Vegelateria. A unique new ice-cream parlour,  where you can get more than 20 different ice creams, all vegan and  without conventional sugar. The local newspapers as well as the vegan  community are happy about the new place which for the moment holds only  10 seats in additional to the Take-Away. From Monday through Saturday  Pradatta Schrottenholzer and his helpers also offer hot meals, a daily  soup, salads and drinks. Abaraita plans to enlarge to 25 and later to 75  seats as soon as the needed requirements from the Health Authorities  are fulfilled. Also planned are regular monthly exhibitions and events  covering subjects such as health, nutrition, meditation, consciousness  and awareness.

– Kedar Misani

Live music streaming from radio Sri Chinmoy

At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have published a new live streaming channel, which offers a range of music composed by Sri Chinmoy and performed by a variety of music groups.


The channel, World Harmony Mix, features a large array of musical performances from music groups such as Temple-Song-Hearts, Ananda, Mountain Silence Ghandarva Loka, and Shindhu.

The channel offers a very relaxing and energising musical accompaniment.

“Music is the mother tongue of humanity. God is the Supreme Musician. It is through music that we can enter into the universal harmony. It is through music that God’s Beauty is being manifested in His all loving Creation.”

– Sri Chinmoy [1]


Listen Now



[1] Sri Chinmoy, The Vedas: Immortality’s First Call, Agni Press, 1972.

Challenging Impossibility Exhibition in Bristol

In Bristol, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre have organised an exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s weightlifting equipment along with other events, such as free meditation classes.


At the exhibition, there are frequent screenings of the film – Challenging Impossibility – a 30 minute film which captures the essence of Sri Chinmoy’s unique weightlifting odyssey. (See: Challenging

The weightlifting equipment includes standard weightlifting machines, such as calf-raises, wrist curls and bench presses. However, it also includes some of Sri Chinmoy’s innovative and new types of lift. In particular, Sri Chinmoy lifted many people overhead from a seated position, in a specially constructed apparatus. This was part of the ‘Lifting up the world with a Oneness-Heart‘ programme.


A lift which honoured over 7,000 individuals from all walks of life, including Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and other dignitaries, sportsmen and musicians. See more at: Lifting up the World at Inspiration Lifts.


During the week long exhibition, there have also been several evening functions, including meditation classes. Sri Chinmoy was a great advocate of meditation and ascribed his unique weightlifting capacities to the inner strength and grace received through prayer and meditation.

Other photos from event


“The invisible faith
Is often visible
To our heart’s warrior-strength.”

– Sri Chinmoy [1]

Some of the participants in the Lifting up the World with a Oneness Heart award.
Dumbells used in Sri Chinmoy’s Wrist Curls



[1] Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 195, Agni Press, 1993.

First steps on the spiritual path

A new section ‘First Steps’ offers a selection of stories by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre about their first experiences in taking to a spiritual life.


The section at Sri Chinmoy Centre shows the diverse range of experiences that led people from a variety of different backgrounds to become interested in meditation and follow the spiritual path of Sri Chinmoy.

The initial curiosity – the captivating question ‘how will it feel?’ – gave way to calm certainty and the joy of silence – a silence in which I can now dive every day. This state of being is infinitely more exciting and fulfilling than I had ever imagined.

Apaga Renner

Coming to his path has truly been the most beautiful, profound and enduring thing ever to happen to me. I may not be rich, or great, or famous, but I can sincerely say that I am truly happy.


What really appealed to me was the combination of a profound and soulful inner life with a dynamic and versatile outer life.

A quest for happiness by Abhinabha

Statue of Sri Chinmoy inaugurated in the National Parliament of Timor-Leste

A statue of Sri Chinmoy offering a peace torch has been inaugurated in front of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste (East Timor), in a ceremony attended by dignitaries from all sections of Timorese society, including the President and the current and former Prime Ministers.


There were many speakers at the ceremony. A representative of Bishop of Dili opened the proceedings. The World Harmony Run Torch-Bearer Award was presented to the current Prime Minister, H.E. Xanana Gusmão, and Timor-Leste’s first Prime Minister, H.E. Mari Alkatiri.


There was a very nice moment where Mr Gusmão, ran from the entrance the entrance with the Torch, and passed it to Dr Alkatiri, who in turn ran up the steps of the parliament and gave it to the President, H.E. Taur Matan Ruak.


A choir of Sri Chinmoy’s students sang a song Sri Chinmoy had written in honour of East Timor, and also his song and ‘A New World of Peace’. The President then cut the ribbon to inaugurate the statue.


A light moment between the current and former Prime Ministers.

Photos: Agragati Siegel and Husiar Johannsen.

Further reading:

Interfaith ceremony at United Nations

A choir of singers from Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations gave the opening performance at a special event called ‘United for a Culture of Peace through Interfaith Harmony’ which took place at the UN in New York. Guest speakers included the President of the General Assembly H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremić, Deputy Secretary-General H.E. Amb. Jan Eliasson, and a host of UN diplomats, ambassadors, and interfaith leaders.


In 1970, then Secretary-General U Thant invited Sri Chinmoy to conduct twice-weekly non-denominational peace meditations for delegates and staff at the United Nations. The singers included current and past UN workers, and have been performing Sri Chinmoy’s songs for many years at the United Nations and around the world.

The event also included videos of World Interfaith Harmony week celebrations around the world, a symphony of peace prayers, and a World Peace Flag ceremony.

Further reading:

Temple Song Hearts XII

On Radio Sri Chinmoy we have recently published Temple-Song-Hearts XII, the 12th album from this popular music group.


Temple-Song-Hearts are an all-female group, devoted to performing the music of Sri Chinmoy; they are based in the UK. In this album, Temple-Song-Hearts offer a powerful and soulful interpretation of Sri Chinmoy’s music.

Other recent recordings at Radio Sri Chinmoy by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre include: