Temple Song Hearts in Czech Republic and Slovakia

Between June 4-8, Temple Song Hearts gave a concert tour of Sri Chinmoy’s music in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


The musical group Temple Song Hearts were founded in 1988 and include members from the UK and across Europe. The group has evolved over the decades to produce a sound that fuses classical and modern, Western and Eastern, in a musical expression that is at once contemplative and joyful.


In the first concert in the Czech Republic, they performed in the Czech Museum of Music in the old town of Prague City. The next concert was hosted in a Peace Garden dedicated to Sri Chinmoy, in the city of  Zlín. Continue reading “Temple Song Hearts in Czech Republic and Slovakia”

Tapovan Sri Chinmoy Peace Park

Recently, members of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run visited Tapovan to take part in a ceremony dedicating the park to Sri Chinmoy and his everlasting message of peace.


Tapovan is a 200-acre park which offers trails and places of rest; it has been created by many volunteers to offer visitors avenues of inner reflection and joy.  Tapovan is located on Galiano Island in the heart of South Western Canada’s Salish Sea.

Continue reading “Tapovan Sri Chinmoy Peace Park”

3100 mile race 2014

The 18th edition of the  3100 mile Self-Transcendence race is currently in progress. Promoted by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, this epic race was founded by Sri Chinmoy and offers runners a unique challenge of spiritual and physical self-transcendence.


This year eleven men and three women have entered; so far 12 of the 14 runners are exceeding the 60 mile a day average needed to finish the race in the allotted time. Continue reading “3100 mile race 2014”

Leeds Peace City

On Saturday 17th May, the city of Leeds was re-dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom, during a ceremony attended by the Mayor of Leeds and members of the Peace Run who are travelling through England.

Leeds was initially dedicated as a Peace City in 1995 on United Nations day, 24th October 1995. This May, the Sri Chinmoy Peace Run is travelling through England and up to Scotland as part of the European Peace Run. With the run passing through Leeds, the city of Leeds kindly agreed to make a new plaque and honour the Peace Run.


The Lord Mayor of Leeds Councillor Tom Murray unveiled the plaque and spoke welcoming the runners and affirming the city of Leeds’ commitment to diversity, tolerance and the promotion of peace. Continue reading “Leeds Peace City”

6 and 10 day races 2014

During April 19-29,  80 competitors from around the world took part in the annual 6 Day and 10 Day Self Transcendence races organised by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team in Flushing Meadows New York. The Six day race was first held in 1998, though the Sri Chinmoy MT have been promoting multi-distance races since the early 1980s. The races were founded by Sri Chinmoy who believed physical and spiritual self-transcendence could easily co-exist.

I do not have any set goal; my goal is self-transcendence. I always try to transcend myself. I do not compete with the rest of the world. I compete only with myself, and I try to become a better human being. This is my ultimate goal.

– Sri Chinmoy (1)


Runners at the finish.

There were 53 entrants in the ten day race and 27 entrants in the Six Day race. All competitors were able to test their own capacities and seek to transcend their previous efforts. The winners of the races were:

Ten Day Race

  • Male winner - Ashprihanal Aalto – 833  miles
  • Female winner – Kaneenika Janakova -  727 miles

Six Day race

  • Male winner – Eoin Keith – 500 miles
  • Female winner – Dipali Cunningham – 475 miles

Read more about the Six and Ten day Race

(1) Sri Chinmoy, Aspiration-Body, Illumination-Soul Part 2 (1993)

Guinness World Record for Peace Poem

On April 10th, 2014, representatives from around the world joined together to set a new Guinness World Record for reciting a poem into the most number of languages – 203. The poem by Sri Chinmoy on peace was recited by more than fifty UN ambassadors, diplomats and Olympians; these distinguished guests joined with Guinness top record holder Ashrita Furman, and participants of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run.

Representatives from around the world who recited the poem

The Guinness Record Poem written by Sri Chinmoy

“O dreamers of peace, come.
Let us walk together.
O lovers of peace, come.
Let us run together.
O servers of peace, come.
Let us grow together.”

Ashrita Furman announces record
Ashrita Furman announces record

The 206 languages ranged from Bengali and Maori to Newari and Zulu, it meant that the poem “O Dreamers of Peace” was expressed with some of the most unusual and charming communication sounds on the globe. The record was set during the launch of the global biennial Peace Run held at the Dag Hammarsköld Plaza across from UN Headquarters in New York City. It was here that Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy led the Peace Meditation at the United Nations twice a week for 37 years. Ashrita said he wanted to break a Guinness Record this week in honour of the Golden Jubilee 50th Anniversary of the arrival in America of Sri Chinmoy 50 years ago.

Amb. Anwarul Chowdhury from Bangladesh

The Peace Run and Guinness Record were highlighted by long-time UN Under-Secretary-General Amb. Anwarul Chowdhury, a long-time friend and countryman of Sri Chinmoy, who said: “This Peace Run symbolises the aspirations of all of us for world friendship and global peace and was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987—a visionary of peace and a person who believed in the oneness of humanity.”

Continue reading “Guinness World Record for Peace Poem”

European Peace Run 2014

The European Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is steadily making its progress across the European continent, offering a message of peace and goodwill. The Peace Run began it’s momentous journey in Belgium this February, before travelling through Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and now through the Balkan countries. It will continue to travel through many European countries before finishing in Belgrade this autumn.


President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy lit the Peace Torch in Brussels to mark the beginning of the 2014 run (Link)

Mr. Van Rompuy said on the opening day “Establishing, maintaining and developing peace is an ongoing run, an ongoing battle. (…) So thank you for everything you are doing to bring people closer together. You are proving to us that taking part in this Run is not just exercise or sport. It is, I insist on it, a way of life.”

Peace Run in Croatia
Peace Run in Croatia

The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run was founded in 1987 by peace visionary, Sri Chinmoy. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s time in the West, and remains a powerful vehicle for spreading peace throughout thousands of individuals around the world.

There is no human being on earth
Who does not have the capacity
To offer the message of peace
To the world at large.
But what is needed now
Is the soulful willingness. 1

– Sri Chinmoy

Continue reading “European Peace Run 2014”

World Interfaith Harmony event at UN

Recently, the Singers from Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations were invited to perform at the World Interfaith Harmony programme, organized by the UN Alliance of Civilizations. The program was held on 12 February 2014 in the UN Trusteeship Council Chamber and also webcast on UN Television.


The Choir has performed for many years at the UN, and other venues around the world, songs composed by Sri Chinmoy. In 1970, then Secretary-General U Thant invited the spiritual leader to conduct twice-weekly non-denominational peace meditations for delegates and staff at UN Headquarters in New York. Until his passing in 2007, Sri Chinmoy brought his multifaceted inspiration to the United Nations family through meditations, lectures, concerts, art exhibits and special programmes, and the Singers are honoured to continue in this spirit.

You are welcome to visit the UN webcast of the event at 2:03 to 2:11 (approximately 2 hours into the programme).

The Singers also opened last year’s UN Interfaith event held in the UN
General Assembly Hall on 14 February 2013. Video link

Related pages

50 selected recordings for Sri Chinmoy’s 50th anniversary in the West

A selection of 50 memorable audio recordings from Radio Sri Chinmoy to mark Sri Chinmoy’s 50th anniversary since arriving in the West (New York) on 13th April, 1964.


  1. Dove – Abar Asibo Phire, Bela Chale Jai – Dove “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1

Sri Chinmoy singing

  1. Bhulite Diyona – Bhulite Diyona | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1
  2. Phire Chalo – Phire Chalo | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  3. Dipto Madhuri – Dipto Madhuri | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  4. Akarane Prabhu Akarane Prabhu | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  5. Jiban Debata – Jiban Debata | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  6. Everest Aspiration – Everest Aspiration | Peace Concert in Toronto (1984)
  7. Madhurata jetanai – Madhurata jetanai | Peace Concert in Toronto 1984
  8. Dukhero Rajani Pohabena Jani – Dukhero Rajani (with harpsichord) My Unfailing Harpsichord-Friend 3
  9. Gurudev tumi amar jagiya – Gurudev tumi amar jagiya | My Heart’s Rainbow-Dreams
  10. Tamasa Rate – Tamasa Rate | One Thousand Lotus Petals Part 1, CD 1
  11. Bahir Haite Antar Mukhe – Bahir Haite Antar | One Thousand Lotus Petals Part 1, CD 1
  12. Sundara Hate – Sundara Hate | One Thousand Lotus Petals Part 1, CD 1
  13. Kata Gan Ami – Kata Gan Ami recitation, + singing with tote a tune | Meditation-Sun (1977)
  14. Tomari Hok Jai – Tomari Hok Jai | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” Part 4
  15. Peace In My Flying Soul – Peace in my Flying Soul | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1
  16. A Heart of Peace is Made – A Heart of Peace is Made | “My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations” – Part 1
  17. There was a Time – There was a Time | My Pilot Supreme (1972) Continue reading “50 selected recordings for Sri Chinmoy’s 50th anniversary in the West”

Peace run in Turkey

Recently, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home peace run visited Kusadasi in Turkey. The run was organised by volunteers both locally and from the international peace run. The focus of this one-off Peace Run was the Peace and Friendship Square in the heart of beautiful Kusadasi, on Turkey’s Aegean coast.


Participants in the peace run, pose for a photo by the statue of peace and friendship.


Many runners, including members of the Kusadasi track team joined in the run. Continue reading “Peace run in Turkey”

Songs about Jesus Christ

At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have recently published a new album of songs about Jesus Christ – performed by Agnikana’s group.

christ songs

The songs were recorded during a performance of the play ‘The Son’ in Karlínské Spektrum Theatre in Prague during February 2008. The Son, is a play written by Sri Chinmoy about the Saviour Christ. View: Christ Songs by Agnikana’s group

In the forward to the play, Sri Chinmoy writes:

“Jesus son of God, avatar of the Western consciousness. Jesus accepted a mortal body so he could reveal man’s immortality. Jesus accepted a man’s consciousness so he could fulfil the divine consciousness. Jesus accepted bodily pain so he could offer the world eternal joy. Jesus accepted betrayal so he could teach the world the meaning of forgiveness. Continue reading “Songs about Jesus Christ”