Australian Peace Run finishes in Canberra

On 15th August, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run completed its epic, 3 month, 15,872 km journey around the continent of Australia.


The Peace Run began in April in Canberra, and over the past 3 months, a team of international runners have run clockwise around Australia visiting all the major cities, such as Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Sydney . Along the way they have met many people who have participated in this endeavour to promote peace and goodwill.

Peace, universal peace,
Is definitely within the reach
Of all.

– Sri Chinmoy[1]


At the closing ceremony in Canberra, Prachar Stegemann offered these words on the meaning of the run.

“Sri Chinmoy founded the Peace Run in 1987, as a dynamic expression of our eternal journey towards a better world. Continue reading “Australian Peace Run finishes in Canberra”

New world music store in Dublin

The latest branch of Gandharva Loka – world music stores inspired by Sri Chnmoy’s philosophy – has just been opened in Dublin’s Temple Bar district.


The store is filled with instruments from all over the world, with instruments for beginners and experienced players alike.


Sri Chinmoy felt that music was a universal way to bring peace and hapiness into the world.

In the spiritual world, next to meditation is music, the breath of music. Meditation is silence, energising and fulfilling. Silence is the eloquent expression of the inexpressible. – Sri Chinmoy




Happiness exhibition in Zurich

In Zurich a happiness exhibition at the Vegelateria restaurant offered some insights into the quest for peace and happiness.



The exhibition was inspired by the recent publication of a book called “The Jewels of Happiness”. The book was written by author, creative artist and renowned peace visionary Sri Chinmoy; it offers timeless wisdom and simple exercises for readers of all backgrounds. The complete audio book was released on March 12th with a launch on March 19th in New York City. Luminaries from all walks of life reach read a chapter from The Jewels of Happiness – including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Addwitiya Roberta Flack, Narada Michael Walden and Sudhahota Carl Lewis! Perfectly suited to our fast-paced lifestyles, The Jewels of Happiness includes short, insightful sections full of uplifting wisdom, charming aphorisms and easy to learn exercises. Each section stands on its own-with the entire book forming a tapestry of inspiration. “You can have the most joy just by imagining a child infinitely more beautiful than any child that you have seen in this world,” writes Sri Chinmoy. “You have inside you a child who is infinitely more beautiful. Just imagine it. While imagining it, you will get utmost joy.” Each of the 13 chapters in The Jewels of Happiness is on a different theme, such as peace, joy, patience, enthusiasm, sincerity, love, self-giving, humility, compassion, self-transcendence, simplicity and forgiveness.

Continue reading “Happiness exhibition in Zurich”

Statue of Sri Chinmoy in Ipswich

Recently a statue of Sri Chinmoy holding a Peace Torch was dedicated at Chantery Park, Ipswich; the statue was a gift from the Oneness-Home Peace Run, and marked the culmination of a week long Peace Run from Cardiff to Ipswich.

Statue with Mayor of Ipswich and sculptor Kaivalya Torpy

Sri Chinmoy visited Ipswich on two occasions, in the the 1980s and 1990s, and the city is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms programme. Several athletic events have also been offered by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team in Ipswich over the years.

The organiser of the event, Martin Spettigue commented that:

“We want to offer something that will inspire people to think more and more about peace and to understand how important peace is to an individual.”

The Mayor of Ipswich offered his gratitude to the Peace Run team for kindly offering this symbol of peace and said it would be a great asset to Chantery Park.

Continue reading “Statue of Sri Chinmoy in Ipswich”

Successful Channel Swim

On the 27th of July, Adriano Passini completed the 43rd successful English Channel crossing by a member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon in a time of 11 hours 10 minutes. It was the first successful crossing by a Brazilian member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.


Adriano began his swim in the very early hours of the morning at 02:37. Conditions proved to be a mixture of warm sea temperatures, rain, mist, and thunderstorms. Adriano had to also contend with jellyfish and large sea vessels. However, as he approached the French coast, 11 hours later, weather conditions became favourable. Adriano was supported by a dedicated boat and his two main helpers Ashirvad Zaiantchick and Karteek Clarke (a veteran of 10 channel crossings himself) – his helpers proudly mentioned that Adriano never complained, but cheerfully stuck to the task in hand.

Adriano swimming the channel

Adriano has been dreaming of achieving this swim for the past couple of years. Recently, he has competed a few long swims in preparation; this included the Zurich Lake Self-Transcendence Marathon Swim, a 26km race organized by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.

Sri Chinmoy encouraged his students to swim the channel, saying it offered a great challenge for individual self-transcendence.

“The English Channel frightens the human body.
The English Channel challenges the human vital.
The English Channel puzzles the human mind.
The English Channel invites the human heart.
The English Channel treasures the human soul.
” [1]

– Sri Chinmoy Continue reading “Successful Channel Swim”

Happy 95th Birthday, Madiba!

Today is President Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday, and the Sri Chinmoy Centre would like to add its best wishes to the millions of birthday greetings from all around the world. Sri Chinmoy was a great admirer-friend of President Mandela, and the two had several warm and significant meetings.


Sri Chinmoy wrote a book called Nelson Mandela: The Pinnacle-Pillar of Mother Earth in his honour – below are some of the poems from the book:

“He tells poorer than the poorest human beings
In every possible way:
‘Let us dream together.
The Golden Dawn
Will soon burst forth!’”

“President Mandela’s very name
Builds a hope-cathedral
In the heart of despair-flooded humanity.”

Sri Chinmoy –

I cannot express in words my joy! What you are doing is in the interest of the entire humanity and the world.” – Nelson Mandela to Sri Chinmoy, meeting in South Africa, 1996

The above photo shows Sri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela and his wife, Mama Graca holding the torch of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, which Sri Chinmoy founded in 1987. While holding the torch President Mandela said: “We are with you in upholding peace, which brings solace to many people throughout the world. It doesn’t matter what language they speak. I think peace is one of the things that is going to save the world.”

In a statement released on his birthday, President Mandela’s health is reported to be steadily improving.

Eternal peace flame in Oslo

At a ceremony in Oslo, there was a re-dedication of the Eternal Peace Flame – a powerful symbol and hope for peace. The Eternal Peace Flame was offered to the city of Oslo by Sri Chinmoy in 2001. For many years, the Eternal Peace Flame had a temporary home on the sea front. Now a permanent place has been found in a beautiful surroundings of Holmenkollen – overlooking the city. Next to the flame, there is now also a statue of Sri Chinmoy – a powerful work of art to represent the peace-loving life and spirit of Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Oneness-Home Peace Run.


The ceremony was joined by members of the Peace Run, and several dignitaries.

With the peace run torch by the Eternal Peace Flame

The Eternal Peace Flame plaque at the base of the sculpture:

The Eternal Peace-Flame
Holmenkollen, Norway

Dedicated by Sri Chinmoy:
Dreamer of World-Peace

The Eternal Peace-Flame
Mankind’s Oneness-Game.
Here in Norway’s Oslo,
The smiles of the world glow.

May humanity’s aspiration-heart
Find here the Beauty and Fragrance
Of real PEACE.
— Sri Chinmoy

Oslo, June 27th, 2013


Dublin Songs of the Soul concert

On June 28th, the Dublin Sri Chinmoy Centre promoted a well received Songs of the Soul concert at the beautiful Newman University Church in the centre of Dublin.
Several groups performed the music of Sri Chinmoy including Kanala & Sadanand, Ashru Dharar, Mangala’s Group, and Adarsha & Ananda. After a rousing finale of the song ‘Akashe Amar’ – a large enthusiastic audience of around 230 people, offered their generous appreciation of the concert.


Akashe Amar
English Translation:

My infinite consciousness-light
Pervades the sky and ether.
Today I shall strike and destroy in a twinkling
The world’s intense sufferings.

– Sri Chinmoy (Score)


Auckland a Peace City

Members of the Auckland Sri Chinmoy Centre recently took part in a multi-cultural ceremony to help launch Auckland as a Peace city.


The 8th June 2013, saw the DVD launch of ‘Nuclear Free New Zealand: Auckland the Peace City’, a commemorative video documentary recapturing the highlights of last years high-level dedication of Auckland as a City for Peace. The 2012 ceremony in Auckland’s Aotea Square gathered generations of nuclear-free campaigners, peace organizations, keynote speakers from environmental and civic organizations, and musicians from all over New Zealand in a public outpouring of support for peace and a reliving and affirmation of the David Lange led campaign to establish a nuclear-free nation.

Efforts to forge peace through the Auckland Peace City Declaration received further impetus this week when His Holiness The Dalai Lama signed the Auckland Peace City citation yesterday in the presence of veteran and passionate peace campaigners, as well as Auckland Council representatives.

Sri Chinmoy Centre members were very active in the original ceremony – speeches; the full World Harmony Run team on stage throughout with several flaming torches; our runners in the procession representing the scores of support organizations; and media interviews – and last Saturday’s commemorative video launch had us again meeting up with our many friends from 2012.

The Auckland City for Peace Declaration was first adopted by the Auckland City Council in 2011, recognising its role in the promotion of a culture of peace based on social, economic and environmental justice, tolerance and non-violence.

Hosting last weekend’s event was the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Buddhist group, with Auckland Mayor Len Brown among the many personalities who met up with our World Harmony Run-attired Centre members. “Auckland was at the forefront of 1985’s nuclear free movement”, he commented, “ and to be declaring ourselves as a City for Peace on the 25th anniversary of that decision is very fitting. “

The Blue Bird café provided refreshments after the video screening, which featured a lengthy, excellent interview with our Sri Chinmoy Centre member Hridayinee Williams. A great interfaith, multi-cultural, oneness-heart gathering of peace-lovers!


Self-Transcendence Triathlon

In early June the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Bristol, England hosted its second triathlon event in the seaside town of Portishead. Somerset.

Billed as the “Self-Transcendence Somerset Try-a-Tri”, the race was aimed at first time triathletes and was sold out months in advance and took place on  June 9th 2013.


“For us, it’s not just a race” said organiser Garga Chamberlain of the Sri Chinmoy Triathlon Club, “It’s a chance to introduce beginners to a new and exciting sport, and to the philosophy of Self-Transcendence that Sri Chinmoy put at the heart of all his sporting endeavours. Sri Chinmoy himself came up with the idea of our club putting on triathlon events here in the UK, and that makes it a very special race for us – we see it as a tribute to our club’s founder.”


The event was blessed with warm, sunny weather (by no means assured in the English summer months!) and was thoroughly enjoyed by the hundred new triathletes who took part. The winner, Joe Gillett, completed the 264m swim, 17k cycle and 4k run in 1 hour and 9 seconds. All 100 entrants successfully completed the course, the last finisher coming over the line in just under 2 hours.

For full race results and a photo gallery of the event:


New health food store in Reykjavik

Pranava Gigja, a member of the Iceland Sri Chinmoy Centre, has recently opened a new health food store enterprise in Reykjavik.

Pranava Gigja, active for the Peace and Harmony Run in Iceland since the beginning, opened the new store supplying a variety of dietary supplements and healthy foods, such as organic chocolate, the Madal Bal syrup for the lemon diet and various organic teas. The place is called “Mother Knows Best – Pure Health” and is open five days a week. In the future, Pranava hopes to include a raw food and salad corner and is actively distributing his products all over Iceland and in other North European countries. One key product is his Magnesium powder, one of the major supplements for a healthy diet.
