Interview with Prachar

In this interview, at Sri Chinmoy TV, Prachar Stegeman talks of how is interest in meditation was kindled as a way to calm his nerves during his work as a concert pianist. Prachar also relates how becoming a meditation student of Sri Chinmoy created a whole new range of possibilities and changed his outlook on life. Prachar now helps to organising the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in Australia and puts on different running races and triathlons in his home town of Canberra.

The video was recorded and produced by Kedar Misani of Sri Chinmoy TV.

New Radio Recordings

Recently, at Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have published a selection of new recordings by various members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre.

Music plays an important role in the spiritual path of Sri Chinmoy, and his students often arrange and perform his music for CDs and in public performances.

Sri Chinmoy writes:

Music is inspiration, soulful inspiration. It inspires the human in us. Music is manifestation, fruitful manifestation. It manifests the divine in us. Music is satisfaction, supreme satisfaction. It satisfies the Pilot Supreme in us. (The Vision-Sky of California)

Recent recordings at Radio Sri Chinmoy, include:

  • Paramanande – An album of Sri Chinmoy’s songs performed by the talented Achenbach family from Vienna. Using Western classical instruments, they offer a soulful instrumental performance of Sri Chinmoy’s music.
  • Songs of Peace and Light A selection of songs and arrangements from a recent concert in the Christ Lutheran church in New York. Performed and directed by Paree Atkins.
  • Endless Energy, sleepless speed Songs for the inner runner. Songs of dynamism, arranged by Premik and vocals performed by Satisfaction-Cry and Lotus Groves.

Also a Guided Meditation

A Guided meditation by Kaivalya. Sri Chinmoy’s student give many meditation classes. Guided meditations are a popular exercise during these classes. This is a simple breathing exercise.


Stories at Sri Chinmoy Centre

A new section at Sri Chinmoy publishes a wide variety of accounts written by students of Sri Chinmoy. These stories include how and why people felt drawn to following a spiritual life. There are also written accounts of meditation functions with Sri Chinmoy and other experiences on Sri Chinmoy’s path.


These stories gave a glimpse into the diverse experience of being a student of Sri Chinmoy, and how it can open up a new world of possibilities. It is also interesting to see how people from all walks of life can be drawn together by the common goal of seeking a deeper meaning to life.

“A seeker is he who fulfils his soulful promises both to Heaven and to earth. His self-giving role fulfils his promise to Heaven, His self-ascending role fulfils his promise to earth. To give is to become. To ascend is to become. He gives what he has and what he is, and eventually he sees and grows into the universal Reality.”

– Sri Chinmoy [1]

We hope you enjoy these short stories, photos and listings; we will be adding more over the next few months.



[1] Sri Chinmoy, Simplicity, Sincerity, Purity And Divinity, Agni Press, 1987.

Visit to Childrens’ Hospital

Recently, volunteers from the Slovakian branch of Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles visited a children’s hospital in Russia to offer free entertainment to the children being treated there.


One of the entertainers was Vlado Kulíšek, from Trencin, who works as a a professional mime artist. He often performs without charge for children who are severely ill or who have experienced suffering as the result of a natural disaster.

Recently, he has performed in Japan, in areas affected by the devastating tsunami, and in orphanages in Vietnam. This last journey was to St. Petersburg, Russia, where he played at the Raisa Maximova Gorbachev oncology clinic.


Vlado said of the experience:

“It was great to be able to put a smile on the faces of so severely ill children.  “The most difficult visits were with children in their rooms. These children are hospitalized in their rooms because their illness is most severe and the most difficult cases. But all children promised to me that they will meet with me in the future – right in the theater, to participate in the entertaining fun program.”


The Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles – is a humanitarian organisation founded by Sri Chinmoy. It often offers aid and friendship to people around the world, who have been affected by poverty and natural disasters.

Contributors: Ashish Zubaty, Vladimir Kulisek (photos), Tejvan Pettiner (editing

News from San Diego

Recently members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre visited San Diego in California for a variety of activities, including a concert, art exhibition and the unveiling of a statue of Sri Chinmoy.

During the two week Christmas vacation, visitors enjoyed fun in the sun, five times a day meditations, excursions to inspiring sites around the city, and more. The trip culminated with a series of programs that showcased the product of team effort and enthusiasm. Here is a brief summary of the most significant events:

Sri Chinmoy’s Paintings for World-Harmony were showcased at a Jharna Kala exhibition in City Hall.


It was an auspicious moment, as the newly-elected Mayor Bob Filner (who met Dr. Martin Luther King and was inspired to work for social change) said ““I have been recently studying Buddhism. When I heard the choir singing Sri Chinmoy’s song, A Moment’s Peace, I was reminded of the Buddhist practice called the bells of mindfulness. A few times a day someone rings chimes and everyone stops for a minute or two to focus on world-harmony. Then after a couple minutes people go back to their regular activities. What we want to do is re-focus on what we are all here for—and this is to create world-harmony.


Continue reading “News from San Diego”

New Talk on Peace from Oslo

At Sri Chinmoy TV we have published a new video taken during Oslo Peace Week in 2001, in which Sri Chinmoy meditates and talks on the quality of peace.

View video at Sri Chinmoy TV

Sri Chinmoy sometimes described himself as a student of peace, and he dedicated his life to spreading the ideal of peace. Sri Chinmoy wrote many poems on the quality of peace.

I enjoy peace
Only when I am not afraid
Of changing my stubborn mind.

Sri Chinmoy (Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, Part 1, Agni Press, 1994. )

See also:

The New Year

Sri Chinmoy saw the New Year as an opportunity to make great progress and would often give specific New Year Messages for the coming year. This extract expresses some of his philosophy about the potential of the New Year.


“On the eve of the New Year, a new consciousness dawns on earth. God once again inspires each human being, each creature, with new hope, new light, new peace and new joy. God says, “The New Year dawns and a new consciousness dawns within you. Run toward the destined Goal.” We listen to God, to the dictates of our Inner Pilot, and we run toward the ultimate Reality. The New Year energises us, encourages us and inspires us to run toward that ultimate Goal.

When the New Year dawns, we have to make ourselves conscious of the fact that we have to transcend ourselves this year. We have to go beyond our present capacity, beyond our present achievement. When we have that kind of firm determination, God showers His choicest Blessings upon us.”

– Sri Chinmoy, The Outer and the Inner Running

Songs about Jesus Christ by Mountain Silence

At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have recently published a new recording by Mountain-Silence, featuring songs about Jesus Christ.


Mountain-Silence are a group of female musicians from Switzerland, Austria and other surrounding countries. Over the past few years, they have extensively toured around Europe, offering concerts of spiritual music.

In their repertoire, they have recorded several songs, composed by Sri Chinmoy about the Saviour Jesus Christ. Some songs are based on quotations from the Bible, others songs are dedicated to Jesus Christ – either in Bengali or English.

Sri Chinmoy said of the Saviour Christ:

“As the beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ came into the world to become part and parcel of earth’s existence, and to transform its consciousness from human to divine. True, his mortal years numbered a mere thirty-three, but birthless and deathless is His immortal sacrifice for Heaven and earth.” [1]

Other Albums featuring songs about Jesus Christ



[1] Excerpt from World-Destruction: Never, Impossible! Part 1 by Sri Chinmoy.

Martin Fryer sets new 24 hour M50 world record

In his first race representing the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, Martin Fryer, established a new World Record for men over 50 in a 24-hour track race of 247.59 km (153 miles, 1487 yards) in the invitational Soochow 24-Hour track race in Taiwan. Continue reading “Martin Fryer sets new 24 hour M50 world record”