Giving Meditation Classes

In many different cities, students of Sri Chinmoy offer free meditation classes for people interested in learning the art of meditation.

When learning to meditate, it is highly recommended to associate with other people who have been practising meditation for a while. We can consciously or unconsciously pick up inspiration from the other people who are meditating.

“When four persons do the same thing together they inspire one another. It is like a tug-of-war. When you are meditating with your group, there are four or five persons meditating together against only one person: ignorance, whereas when you meditate at home, you are one individual and ignorance is another individual. “

– Sri Chinmoy (Sri Chinmoy Library)

In this post, Devashishu Torpy explains he grew up learning to meditate and now now teaches meditation classes in his home city of London (London Meditation) and also other places he visits.

I give meditation classes on the authority of my teacher, Sri Chinmoy. I am a seeker, and as part of my spiritual discipline I have been given the opportunity to share my experiences and my limited knowledge with other seekers. That ‘sharing’ plays a vital role in my own journey of self discovery.

Giving Meditation classes by Devashishu

World Records Ripped In Two At Impossibility-Challenger

World records were ripped, bent, torn and smashed in Auckland, New Zealand recently, with 7 world records broken in the Impossibility-Challenger world record games.

Albert Walter tears a phone book in two at the Impossibility-Challenger Games

Held November 14 at Auckland’s Trusts Stadium, the first time the impossibility challenging festival has been staged in New Zealand, the event saw two World Records set by Swiss strongman and weightlifter Albert Walter, who first tore a 1440 page phone book in two and then snapped a 30cm long carpenter’s nail, with nothing more than bare hands and steely determination employed.

New Zealander Alistair Galpin, one of the top World Record breakers of the past decade, set nine new records on the day, including the most lit candles in the mouth, and the fastest time to shell a boiled egg. To celebrate, Galpin broke the record for the most high-fives in a minute.

Other impossible feats made possible included the fastest car tyre change by four employees of tire company Frank Allen Tyres, the world’s longest balloon chain, the largest dot to dot drawing, and the fastest mile pushing a person in a shopping trolley.

The 16th staging of the event, Impossibility-Challenger was founded in 1982 by accomplished weightlifter and peace-visionary Sri Chinmoy, upon the ideals of self-transcendence and challenging limits, and was staged by the Sri Chinmoy Centre, a prolific non-profit organisation also responsible for the World Harmony Run—the world’s largest participant torch relay—and The Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles humanitarian aid programme.


World Harmony Run – Mexico

Recently, the World Harmony Run visited Mexico for for five days, visiting local schools and spreading a message of peace and harmony. The run was enthusiastically received by local people who appreciated the opportunity to join in the spirit of the Harmony run.

4 Runners
World Harmony Runners

A video compilation of the Mexico tour can be viewed on the World Harmony Run website here

Mexico Sunset

” This mind is the doubting mind, and in the doubting mind we can never feel the presence of peace. We can feel the presence of peace only in the loving heart. The doubting mind leads us to total frustration. The loving heart leads us to complete satisfaction.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Mexico Dancers
Mexican Dancers who greeted the run

Inspiration Not Impossible At World Record Games

On November 14th, Auckland, New Zealand, phone-books will be torn, carpenter’s nails broken, giant balloon hats made and shopping trolleys pushed in the name of challenging the impossible, and breaking world records along the way.

Impossibility-Challenger games organised by the Sri Chinmoy Centre

Jumped, thrown and run successfully in Zurich, Switzerland and Munich, Germany since the 1980s, the Impossibility-Challenger festival of record smashing is being staged in New Zealand for the first time, and Director Budhsamudra Knox is confident that success will not be impossible—“We think Kiwis have what it takes to step up to the mark.”

Attempting to cross that mark, and in world record time, is an international field of participants including Alistair Galpin, the New Zealander with the most World Records, Albert Walter of Switzerland, a bench press champion who tears phone books better than anybody else, and a team of mechanics who will attempt the 4-man car wheel change world record.

The impossibility challenging event also encompasses the Self-Transcendence Games, where hundreds of school children will compete together with celebrities in just for fun events like hula-hoop racing and catching an egg thrown the greatest distance.

The Impossibility-Challenger games were founded in 1982 by the late peace visionary Sri Chinmoy, upon the premise that challenging limitations and the seemingly impossible not only brings the individual joy, but inspires others to transcend that which is challenging in their lives as well.

The event is organised by the Sri Chinmoy Centre, a prolific non-profit organisation also responsible for the world’s largest participant torch relay, the World Harmony Run, and The Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles humanitarian aid programme.


Bali – Featured Gallery

This weeks featured gallery is by Kedar Misani during a trip, by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre, to Bali and the world heritage site of Borobudur.


For many centuries, Borobudur was deserted, but after being rediscovered in the nineteenth century, it has been overhauled and given protected status. Sri Chinmoy visited Borobudur on a number of occassions. He remarked on Borobudur:

“Those who have seen Borobudur have really seen something. It is so beautiful and it has such spiritual grandeur! I also like Kamakura.

Borobudur is the Buddha in the process of blossoming. Kamakura is the Buddha who has already blossomed. Borobudur has simplicity in purity and purity in simplicity. Kamakura has silence in power and power in silence. Both are totally different.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Excerpt from The World-Experience-Tree-Climber, Part 6 by Sri Chinmoy.


Songs of the Soul European Tour begins

The Songs of the Soul tour began on Sunday with a warmly received concert in the Czech city of Zlín.


The full house audience was extremely moved by the concert, which featured performances by a range of artists (Adesh and Sadanand, Mandu and Visuddhi, Arthada’s group, Agnikana’s group, Pavaka Richot, and Matthijs Jongpier) culminating in the final performance by Gandharva Loka Orchestra (pictured above)

The Songs of the Soul concert series began in 2008 as a way of bringing the depth and beauty of Sri Chinmoy’s music to audiences worldwide in a variety of styles. Since then the concerts have taken place all around the world, in places ranging from Bali to St Petersburg.

Sunday was the beginning of a 9-day tour. On Monday, they played in Bratislava and tonight (Tuesday) and tomorrow they will play in the Hungarian cities of Budapest and Gyor. Also scheduled are concerts in the Austrian cities of Vienna, Salzburg and Graz, and in the Slovenian cities of Ljubljana and Maribor.

See for more details…

What is a Good Meditation?

“…You can also know whether you had a good meditation by the way you feel afterwards. If peace, light, love and joy have come to the fore from within as a result of your meditation, then you will know that you have meditated well.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Excerpt from: Am I Meditating Well? by Sri Chinmoy



Photo by Tejvan

Jharna Kala Galleries

During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy was a prolific artist, painting thousands of beautiful and soul stirring paintings. This is a small selection from some of the Jharna Kala Galleries at Sri Chinmoy Centre and Sri Chinmoy Art

Jharna Kala by Sri Chinmoy
Jharna Kala by Sri Chinmoy

“Art is supremely important for the evolution of mankind. It is through inner art and outer art that mankind evolves…”

– Sri Chinmoy

Continue reading “Jharna Kala Galleries”

Music From October Anniversary

On Oct. 11, 2009, Sri Chinmoy students from all over the world gathered in New York to celebrate the second anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadhi.  This is a selection of recordings from this soulful gathering by students of Sri Chinmoy.


Music Recordings at Radio Sri Chinmoy

Other related links

Articles on the passing of Sri Chinmoy by students of Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadhi

Photo by Sharani


Consciousness-Blossoms is a vegetarian diner in Tampa Bay, Florida. Located in an unassuming mall it serves delicious vegetarian fare and has developed an excellent reputation for tasty vegetarian food in a welcoming environment.

Consciousness Blossoms - Vegetarian Restuarant
Consciousness-Blossoms - Vegetarian Restuarant

It is one of the many vegetarian restaurants run by students of Sri Chinmoy in different parts of the world. The owner Tilvila Hurwi knew little about restaurants when she first entered the business in 1999. But, she said she wanted it to be “I wanted it to be a place for peace and inspiration,” Hurwit said. “I also wanted it to have really good food.”


24 Hour Races

Recently, the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team promoted a 24 hour race in Tooting Bec, London. The race was won Richard Quennell of Rugby and Northampton A.C. with a distance of 145 miles. 76 year old.

Runners in 24 Hour Race

Geoff Oliver, completed a distance of 111 miles 285 yards (178.898km), which subject to confirmation is a world best performance for over 75 years track. The leading women Aileen Scott from Glasgow’s Clydesdale Harriers with 117 miles.

The aim of a 24 Hour Race is to run as far as possible, round a 400 metre track. Each time a runner passes by the lap is noted by his counter. Each 24 hour race requires a dedicated team of helpers – cooks, counters, support e.t.c.

Joy of Counting
Joy of Counting

Why Run 24 Hour Races?

A 24 hour race provides the runner with a great opportunity to transcend and compete with themselves running further before. It is not just a physical challenge but also a great inner challenge.

Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, was a great believer in the benefits of long distance running.

There is also a great atmosphere at 24 hour races, with a feeling of cooperation and challenge.