New Centre Site

Recently, the Sri Chinmoy Centre website, received a new interface and design. The site is based on a content management system called Drupal and offers various new features.

The new site has been developed by various members of Vasudeva Server such as Nirbhasa, Manavasu, Petr Simicek and Tejvan.

Continue reading “New Centre Site”

British French Harmony

Recently, a team of international runners ran from London to Paris as part of the global World Harmony run. The runners set off from Greenwich, London and ran down to Dover through Canterbury and the fields of Kent. After crossing the channel on the ferry. The run continued from Calais to Paris.

Greenwich Mean Time
Greenwich Mean Time

The World Harmony Run Team visited many schools along the way.

Continue reading “British French Harmony”

Impossibility Challenger

The Impossibility Challenger World Record games are an opportunity for participants to engage in a variety of record attempts and challenges. The event is organised by the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Munich, Germany. The Impossibility Challenger offers individuals the opportunity for self-transcendence in numerous ways.

Ripping Telephone Book
Ripping Telephone Book
Don't Try this at Home
 Milan Roskopf juggling with three chainsaws - Don't Try this at Home...
Skipping Stilts
Chasing record for Skipping on Stilts

If we believe
In our own
Then there can be
No unreachable goal.

– Sri Chinmoy

Start of 3100 Mile Race 2009

The 14th edition of the 3100 Mile Self-Transcendence Race – the world’s longest certified road race – began today in Queens, NY.

Start of 2009 Self Transcendence Races
Start of 2009 Self Transcendence Races

Photo by Jowan from 3100 Mile Sri Chinmoy Center Galleries

New Record in 6 Day Race

Australian Dipali Cunningham from Melbourne surpassed her own world record in the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence Six Day Race. In 6 days, she completed 513 miles an average of 85.5 miles per day. (or just short of 20 marathons in 6 days)
6 and 10 Day Race
6 and 10 Day Race Winners

In second place was American Pam Reed, 48, who set an American record for her age groups with 490 miles- At her first attempt at a 6 day race.

Darren Worts, 38, USA won for the men with 420 miles

In the Ten Day, Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk,53,from Germany won with an amazing 777 miles. This was the 3rd longest distance in any 10 day race.

Kaneenika Janakova,38, from Slovakia won the ladies’ Ten Day event with 707 miles. A personal best and her second consecutive victory.

There was a field of 44 in the 10 Day and 36 in the Six Day.

Results at Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team

From Race Report by Marathon Team blog

Race Report at NY Times

Race reports, photos and interviews at Perfection Journey by Utpal

Photo Gallery by Jowan

Sri Chinmoy Multi Day Races 2009

6 10 Day Race
6 and 10 Day Race

The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, 6 and 10 Day Race is underway at Flushing Meadows, New York

Songs of the Soul Concerts

Japaka Orchestra
Japaka Orchestra

Songs of the Soul Concerts have recently been offered in New York, Seattle and Vancouver. These are a few selected photos from the New York concert on April 16th. The concerts involved a variety of music groups playing performances of Sri Chinmoy’s music.


Audience enjoying the concert in the beautiful Riverside Church.


Photos by Jowan

More photos at Songs of the Soul New York

Record for Most Guiness Records

Record Attempt for Poem in Different Languages
After Successful Record Attempt for Reciting Poem in Different Languages

Ashrita Furman recently set an impressive landmark for setting his 100th simultaneous Guiness World Record. Over the past 30 years, Ashrita has been fascinated with Guinness world Records and has set over 230 official Guinness Records. With his recent record attempt he now has 100 current Guinness records.

The Record was set in City Hall Park in Manhattan on April 14th. It was the record for reciting a poem in the most number of languages. The previous record was 79 languages, but, with help from friends in the Sri Chinmoy Centre, Ashrita set a new record of 111 languages. Ashrita read the Poem, Precious Beyond Measure, in Zulu. Speaking of the record, Ashrita said:

“It was fun learning about many of these languages – quite a few I never even heard of,”

Councilman, Jimmy Genero spoke about the record and said how appropriate it was to set the record in New York, which is renowned for its cultural diversity.

Irish World Harmony Run 2009

The Irish World Harmony Run got off to an auspicious beginning on 21st March. Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern offered the runners his appreciation for their mammoth task of running around the coast of Ireland in 14 days.

Irish WHR
Irish World Harmony Run opening ceremony

The team is running 1400km around the coast of Ireland, visiting Belfast, Dublin, Cork, Limmerick amongst many other smaller towns and villages. The international team includes runners from US, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland and Europe.

You can follow the run at the website – Ireland World Harmony Run

For the first two days the run has benefited from dry sun, often a rarity for Ireland at this time of the year!