3100 Mile Race – 2008

The 2008 edition of the 3100 Mile Self Transcendence Race is underway in Queens, New York. This year 14 runners began the epic race.

After 11 days, all runners have now passed the 600 mile mark. You can follow the Mileage at – Race Results 2008

The current leader of the race is Asprihanal Aalto who has completed 779 miles

Follow the race at the 3100 Mile Blog

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Father’s Day 2008

Sri Chinmoy

“O Supreme, my Father-Son,
Now that we two are one
And won by each other won,
Nothing remains undone.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Excerpt from: My Flute

Father’s Day (June 15th) was celebrated in different Sri Chinmoy Centres around the world.

Poetic Offering for Father’s Day

Father’s Day in New York

Australian World Harmony Run

On April 27th, the Australian World Harmony Run team began an epic journey around the entire coast of Australia. The World Harmony Run team from 16 different countries will be running in relay more than 15,000 km in over 100 days. They plan to finish by mid-August. You can follow the Australian harmony run here:


Australian Harmony Run team meeting with local schoolchildren

The team have met with a wide range of people and stunning scenery along the way. People from all walks of life have joined in supporting the message of the Run – to promote harmony and friendship amongst people.


Meeting the local mayor

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Oneness Heart Tears and Smiles


Oneness Heart Tears and Smiles is a humanitarian programme founded by Sri Chinmoy. To date, it has distributed humanitarian aid to nearly 150 countries around the world. There is now a new website, which in the future, will host recent programmes and initiatives.

To Sri Chinmoy charitable and humanitarian projects were always an expression of a oneness heart which seeks to identify with others.

“With our loving hearts, we identify and become one with what others are. This power that loves can solve world problems. This power is full of self-giving, not with a sense of sacrifice, but with the feeling of serving all humanity as our own brothers and sisters. Through both our loving silence and devoted service, we contribute to the betterment of the entire world.”

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Songs of The Soul Concert

Songs of The Soul Concert, April 15th 2008.

Songs of the Soul was a concert dedicated to inspired interpretations of the music of Maestro Sri Chinmoy. The evening of soulful music included sets from Philip Glass, Roberta Flack, Steve Gorn, Samir Chatterjee and many others

Songs of The Soul Concert

Sri Chinmoy Centre

The Sri Chinmoy Centre choir performing.

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Inspiration Sun

Inspiration Sun is a new monthly magazine produced by the Sri Chinmoy Centre. – ‘Worldwide News and Inspirations from the Sri Chinmoy Centre’ There is a diverse range of articles from interviews with long standing students of Sri Chinmoy, to a humorous look on life.

The editor in chief is Projjwal. He has a team of helpers including: Layout and design: Martin Leitner (Austria), Copy Editor:Drubha Hein (USA)

You can see some of the articles online at: Inspiration Sun

Photo from: Guru’s Prescence in Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha

Concert at Royal Albert Hall


Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov and members of the International Orchestra.

In 2007, Sri Chinmoy wanted to offer his dear friend Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov the opportunity to play at the Royal Albert Hall. Organised by the UK Sri Chinmoy Centres the concert was a great success and, with the encouragement of Sri Chinmoy, a repeat concert was scheduled for 2008.

Since Sri Chinmoy’s mahasamadhi in October 2007, Purushottama, wished to dedicate this year’s concert to his dear friend and teacher – Sri Chinmoy

Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov in Concert


For this years concert, Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov, was joined by a range of international music stars including: Flautist Brian Finnegan, bodhrán player John Joe Kelly, Sitar player Sheema Mukherjee, and Sarangi player Maria Pomianowska. (See: listing of musicians)


The musicians kindly gave up a big chunk of their time to come together and perform this special concert. Very few of the musicians had played together before; but, they were able to achieve a remarkable degree of musical harmony and intuition in the short space of 2 weeks they had to practice. Even more remarkable was how well the divergent musical styles and traditions merged together, giving a unique performance. The musical styles varied from the classical Indian tradition of Arpan Patel’s harmonium and singing, to the Irish folk music of Brian Finnigan.

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Mount Snowdon dedicated as a Peace Blossom Mountain

Mount Snowdon, the tallest mountain in Wales, was dedicated as a peace blossom mountain in a ceremony coinciding with the arrival of the World Harmony Run.


The runners were met at the bottom of Mount Snowdon by Mrs Owen of Gwynedd County Council, and Lord Elis Thomas the presiding officer of the Welsh Parliament. The runners then set off up the slopes of Mount Snowdon with others following in a train. There was a light hearted race with the runners trying to beat the train to the top ( which they succeeded in doing)

Mount Snowdon

View from the Top of the Mount Snowdon

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