2 New Records and Some Italian Ice Cream

Ashrita collaseumOn a recent visit to Europe, Ashrita succeeded in breaking two Guinness World Records, despite gaining 7 pounds, (courtesy of Italian ice cream.)

Ashrita’s first record was for the most jumps on a pogo stick in one minute. Ashrita  managed to break the record, completing 256 valid jumps in one minute, adding an extra 12 jumps to the previous record of 234. (This works out at over 4 jumps per second). The record was set to the backdrop of the famous coliseum in Rome.

Ashrita’s second successful attempt was in Munich, at the Impossibility Challenger event. This involved running a sub eight minute mile on stilts.

The Impossibility Challenger event is held annually in Munich and involves a diverse range of feats of self transcendence. Previous challenges have involved, the longest continual laughing, playing music for 24 hours non stop, and riding a bicycle the wrong way. Often the event attracts quite a few Guinness World Record attempts.

For an entertaining read of Ashrita’s battle against impossibility, Italian Gelato and pastries see his own blog entry – Worth the Weight

6 and 10 Day Self Transcendence Race 2008

6 day race

Photo at the start of 6 and 10 Day Race, organised by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team which began on April 23rd 2008.

The 6 and 10 Day race has been organised for several years by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team. This year it is held in Flushing meadows park, near to the Tennis compound used in the US Open.

The 6 and 10 Day race is not so much a competition against others. But, offers an unique chance for self-transcendence, where runners seek to transcend their own capacities. Continue reading “6 and 10 Day Self Transcendence Race 2008”

Concert for Sri Chinmoy


On Monday May 19th, the legendary Russian musician Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov, will be performing with an international ensemble of musicians at the Royal Albert Hall. The concert is dedicated to Maestro Sri Chinmoy.

Some of the Other Musicians who will be playing with BG include:

  • Flautist Brian Finnegan and bodhrán player John Joe Kelly from award-winning Anglo-Irish band Flook. John-Joe has been described as “the best bodhrán player in the known universe”
  • Sitar player Sheema Mukherjee, who learnt her art from the Indian legends Pandit Nikhil Bannerjee and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan…
  • Sarangi player Maria Pomianowska – a multi instrument maestro equally adept at playing Eastern instruments and those of her native Poland.
  • More on the Musicians who will be performing in the concert

Since meeting Sri Chinmoy in Feb 2006, Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov has developed a close relationship with Sri Chinmoy. There was a mutual appreciation between two kindred musical spirits. Purushottama, meaning “the one who is beyond all limitations”, is a spiritual name given by Sri Chinmoy. During his life in the West, Sri Chinmoy was also a prolific musician performing in over 800 concerts, including 6 at the Royal Albert Hall.

After first meeting Sri Chinmoy, Purushottama composed a song in honour of Sri Chinmoy, called “There are birds in the Garden”. Listen: “There are Birds in the Garden”

In September 2007, he performed a concert at the United Nations building in New York, a concert which Sri Chinmoy introduced. Listen to full performance at United Nations…

In this interview at Sri Chinmoy TV, Purushottama explains how meditation has inspired his musical output.

Interview with Boris Grebenshikov

Press play to start video (bottom left) needs Apple quick Time

Earlier in the Month, a similar concert – Songs of the Soul was offered in New York, by many musicians including Philip Glass, Roberta Flack, Steve Gorn and Samir Chatterjee.

Start of US World Harmony Run

Statue of Liberty

The American World Harmony Run began on April 10th, 2008.

The Torch, which will travel around the US, was symbolically lifted in front of the Statue of Liberty, New York. Sudhahota Carl Lewis was on hand to light the torch and run around the base of the statue.

Eric S Peterson gave a short address about the World Harmony Run and the symbolic importance of the Statue of Liberty, an important symbol of hope for the world. Peterson, closed with the words of World Harmony Run founder, Sri Chinmoy

“O Polestar Statue of Liberty!
Earth-heart’s pinnacle-Divinity.
America’s proudest Vision-pride-
Her Beauty’s cosmos-fragrance-ride-
Freedom-smile-bestower is your Soul.
Nectar-flooded Goal.”

The runners, from many different countries, then ran a short distance of 4 miles to Dag Hammarskjold plaza outside the United Nations for the official opening ceremony.

Many people came to offer their good wishes for the World Harmony Run, before its epic travails through the US. Some of those who came to offer support for the run included: Billie Jean King, New York philanthropist Russell Simmons, Sister Madonna Buder, first lady of New York Diana Taylor and many others who kindly offered musical tributes.

For more details on the launch of the International World Harmony run, visit here: International Launch of World Harmony Run 

44 Years in the West


April 13th, 2008, marked the 44th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s arrival in the West. Sri Chinmoy arrived in New York, USA on April 13th 1964.

2008, was also the first celebration since Sri Chinmoy’s mahasamadhi in October 2007.

To commemorate the arrival of Sri Chinmoy in the West, for many years, disciples have taken part in a 12 hour race walk. I believe in earlier years, Sri Chinmoy himself took part in the 12 hour walk.

Many of Sri Chinmoy’s students were in New York for the celebrations. Also, those from other countries who could not travel, took part in events in their own countries. For example, disciples in Mongolia arranged a 12 hour walk, with 45 people participating.

Mongolia 12 Hour Walk

12 hour walk

See more photos at Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

Utpal Marshall gives an account of celebrations through his blog post on Departures Day

Picture top by: Sharani

Running Inspiration

sri chinmoyArpan Deangelo shares some reminiscences of Sri Chinmoy’s running career at his new running blog

Sri Chinmoy took up long distance running in the 1970s when he was in his mid 40s. In his formative years, Sri Chinmoy had excelled in the 100 metre sprint, but, in America he took up long distance running and spent many hours training around his home in Jamaica Queens. These experiences formed the basis of a series of books called Run and Become. Sri Chinmoy describes one of many running experiences:

Today one of the disciples was telling me that he met a very good runner while running in Flushing Meadow Park. This man had told the disciple that he often sees me running and that he thought I was a sub-three-hour marathoner because I was so thin and I looked like I was in such good shape. The disciple was very polite and told the runner that I was hoping to break three and a half hours in the New York Marathon. He didn’t tell him my previous bullock-cart marathon times.

Sri Chinmoy’s Running – Part 1 of an article on Running by Arpan

Other Running Links


New Record For Pushing Car


Ashrita Furman of Queens, New York set a new Guinness world record for pushing a car. The previous record was 12 miles, but Ashrita managed to increase the distance to 17 miles.

Ashrita pushing a Ford Festiva along Old Bridge Township Raceway Park on March 6th.
Source of photo and article on Ashrita’s record.

Ashrita has currently 80 Guiness world records and has broken over 180 records since he stated breaking records in the 1970s.

Ashrita credits his ability to set new records due to teaching meditation under the tutelage of his spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy. In particular it is a philosophy of self-transcendence that encourages Ashrita to try and transcend limits – both mental and physical.

Ashrita’s record attempts are not always successful; for every successful record there are near misses and failed attempts. In his latest blog post, Ashrita recounts an interesting experience with Tabasco sauce. – Humility comes in a small bottle

2008 WHR promises to be the biggest and best ever

France WHR

All across the world, plans are at an advanced stage to make the 2008 incarnation of the World Harmony Run an absolutely gigantic event. Already the run has made its way through South East Asia and the Middle East, and is currently in north Africa.

The European leg of the Run will begin in Rome at the end of March, and will visit over 50 countries on its route. Among the many events planned will be Guinness World record attempts in Dublin, Ireland and Cambridge, England.

The US run will begin on April 10 and cover all 50 states in a four month journey. At the end of April, the Oceania leg of the Harmony Run will embark upon an unprecedented journey around Australia, before continuing its journey in New Zealand in September. There will also be Canadian and Russian legs of the Run – making it an event which truly spans the globe.

You can catch up on the recent news at www.worldharmonyrun.org

World’s Largest Pencil Moves to St Louis

This August a team of builders, under the direction of Ashrita Furman, built the world’s largest pencil. Measuring 76 feet, the pencil was built to maintain the exact proportions of a standard pencil. You can read about the pencil’s building here

The Guiness Record Breaking pencil was built to honour Sri Chinmoy’s 76th birthday

The Pencil has been lying in Jamaica, Queens, but has now found a home at a museum in St Louis.

The pencil is so large it showed up on satellite screens, prompting a visit by local police officers; they were relieved to find it was a giant pencil, rather than a missile!

Bob Cassilly, the founder of the St Louis City Museum said he was happy to take the unusual pencil. He said: “We’re sort of like opportunists and we don’t have a plan, the museum just grows organically by whatever goes our way.”

The pencil had to be cut in half to be transported

Recent Events

The World Harmony Run visited the Dominican Republic for its last event of 2007.

The Run, visited two schools including the Ann Y Ted Kheel Polytechnical School and Punta Cana international school, home to more than 26 different nationalities

View: World Harmony Run in the Dominican Republic 

News of a Sri Chinmoy Harmony Bridge between Austria and Slovenia


On the bridge is a plaque in Austrian and Slovenian that this bridge is dedicated to harmony between the two countries

World Harmony Run 2007

WHR Jamaica

On 3rd November, the World Harmony Run held a local event in Jamaica, New York. The short run began at Aspiration Ground, Jamaica, NY and visited a local school, New Dawn elementary. The school had helped organise a community event around the run.

For more details and photos visit – World Harmony Run.

Continue reading “World Harmony Run 2007”