"Hatred is a disguised form of love. You can only hate someone whom you really wish to love, because if you were totally indifferent to that person, you could not even get up enough energy to hate him."
- Sri Chinmoy
"If you really want to love humanity, then you have to love humanity as it is now."
- Sri Chinmoy
A moment's truth can and shall make the world beautiful. A moment's peace can and shall save the world. A moment's love can and shall make the world perfect.
Sri Chinmoy
World-peace can be achieved when the power of love replaces the love of power.
- Sri Chinmoy
"To be true to oneself is the hardest test of life."
- Sri Chinmoy
I did not come into the world to prove anything. I came into the world to love everyone and everything.
Sri Chinmoy
"Life is nothing but the expansion of love. We can cultivate divine love by entering into the Source. The Source is God, who is all Love."
- Sri Chinmoy
"When your love is pure or spiritual, there is no demand, no expectation. There is only the sweetest feeling of spontaneous oneness with the human being or beings concerned."
- Sri Chinmoy
"Love is never afraid of fear. Fear is always afraid of love"
- Sri Chinmoy
" Meditation speaks. It speaks in silence. It reveals. It reveals to the aspirant that matter and spirit are one, quantity and quality are one, the immanent and the transcendent are one. It reveals that life can never be the mere existence of seventy or eighty years between birth and death, but is, rather, Eternity itself."
- Sri Chinmoy
Music is the language of God. God's language, music, is not like mathematics or geometry. It is a language of love. If we love music, that is enough.
- Sri Chinmoy
Spirituality tells the seeker not to live in the hoary past, not to live in the remote future, but to live in the immediacy of today, in the eternal Now.
- Sri Chinmoy
The very nature of kindness is to spread. If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you, and tomorrow to somebody else.
- Sri Chinmoy
"Be kind, be all sympathy, for each and every human being is forced to fight against himself."
- Sri Chinmoy
"Is the world so unbearable? No! What we need is only a little more love for the world."
- Sri Chinmoy
Death is not the end. Death can never be the end. Death is the road. Life is the traveller. The soul is the guide.
- Sri Chinmoy
Each individual has to know himself. He has to know himself as the infinite, eternal and immortal Consciousness.
- Sri Chinmoy
"Man invents war. Man discovers peace. He invents war from without. He discovers peace from within. War man throws. Peace man sows. The smile of war is the flood of human blood. The smile of peace is the love, below, above."
- Sri Chinmoy
"War forgets peace. Peace forgives war. War is the death of the life human. Peace is the birth of the Life Divine. Our vital passions want war. Our psychic emotions desire peace.
- Sri Chinmoy
"A human being has many divine qualities. But there has never been another unparalleled divine quality like man's self-sacrifice, nor can there ever be.
- Sri Chinmoy
"If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy. Do not surrender to fate after a single failure. Failure, at most, precedes success.
- Sri Chinmoy
"Fear is bound to disappear when you realize that failure is not something shameful, damaging, destructive, or painful, but something natural."
- Sri Chinmoy
"Life is nothing but the expansion of love. We can cultivate divine love by entering into the Source. The Source is God, who is all Love."
- Sri Chinmoy
"Man is by nature a lover. Only he has yet to discover the real thing to love. This quest awakens him to the fulfillment of his real Self."
- Sri Chinmoy
"A single thought has the power of a bullet: either it can destroy you or it can help you immensely."
- Sri Chinmoy
"To be true to oneself is the hardest test of life."
- Sri Chinmoy
"The difficulty is that we try to perfect others before we perfect ourselves."
- Sri Chinmoy
"Be kind, be all sympathy, for each and every human being is forced to fight against himself."
- Sri Chinmoy
"No price is too great to pay for inner peace."
- Sri Chinmoy
"Do not judge but love and be loved, if you want to be really happy."
- Sri Chinmoy
If I have just one aim,
And if that aim is to be myself,
Then I am bound to discover joy,
True joy, eternal joy.
- Sri Chinmoy
A little ripple
Wakes the sea.
A tiny thought
Shakes the world.
- Sri Chinmoy
Let it be our solemn promise
To Mother Earth
That from now on we shall
Take very good care of her.
- Sri Chinmoy
I simply do
What many dream of.
I simply do
What others talk about.
I simply become
What others dare not
Even to imagine.
- Sri Chinmoy
My life is only half full
When I receive.
My heart is completely full
Only when I give.
- Sri Chinmoy
Every self-giving effort
Of every human being
Is needed to change
The fate of the world.
- Sri Chinmoy
"The power of love is infinitely more powerful than the power of hatred, because when you love someone, at that time his divine qualities have to come forward."
- Sri Chinmoy
"When love-power conquers, the conquest is not for the expansion of influence, but for the illumination of existence."
- Sri Chinmoy
“Only by our positive thinking,
By our bringing the positive qualities
Of others to the fore,
Will this world be able
To make progress.”
- Sri Chinmoy
Be happy
You will get
What you like most.
You will be
What you like best.
- Sri Chinmoy
Love is not a thing to understand.
Love is not a thing to feel.
Love is not a thing to give and receive.
Love is a thing only to become
And eternally be.
- Sri Chinmoy
“What gives life its value if not its constant cry for self-transcendence.?”
- Sri Chinmoy
“Self transcendence brings us the message of happiness.
Self-transcendence gives us joy in boundless measure.”
- Sri Chinmoy
“Never give up! Never give up! Physical fitness is of paramount importance. There is no age limit when we live in the heart and when we try to be of prayerful and soulful service to God in the heart of humanity.”
- Sri Chinmoy
" I am a man of prayer and meditation. I feel inspiration is of paramount importance. If I can inspire someone, and if that person also can inspire me, then we can do many good things for the betterment of this world. "
- Sri Chinmoy
" I feel that the physical and the spiritual must go together; they cannot be separated. When we pray and meditate, we get an extra supply of energy, which you can call strength. This strength can be utilised for a good purpose. "
- Sri Chinmoy
“I compete only with myself, and I try to become a better human being. This is my goal.”
- Sri Chinmoy
“The world is for newness, not for oldness. New, new things we have to create. Then only the world will progress. If not, we will come to feel that there is nothing new under the sun. We have to create new things to keep our joy. If there is no newness, how can we have enthusiasm? And if there is no enthusiasm, do we make any progress?”
- Sri Chinmoy
"If we can have a free access to our inmost consciousness, the cosmic energy is bound to come to the fore. If we go deep within, it comes like a spring, a never-failing spring. And when it comes, it permeates the whole body.”
- Sri Chinmoy
"There is no fundamental difference between one and another, because each religion embodies the ultimate Truth. Each religion is right, absolutely right, because each religion conveys the message of Truth in its own way."
- Sri Chinmoy
"If we live in our oneness-heart, we will feel the essence of all religions which is the love of God. Forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, brotherhood and the feeling of oneness are the signs of a true religion."
- Sri Chinmoy
"Man-made religions find fault with one another, whereas God-made religion is eternally a oneness-song — God-manifestation through human aspiration on earth."
- Sri Chinmoy
" This mind is the doubting mind, and in the doubting mind we can never feel the presence of peace. We can feel the presence of peace only in the loving heart. The doubting mind leads us to total frustration. The loving heart leads us to complete satisfaction."
- Sri Chinmoy
If you can create harmony
In your own life,
This harmony will enter
Into the vast world.
- Sri Chinmoy
Alas, how we waste
Our precious time
In the company of
Jealousy and criticism.
- Sri Chinmoy
Here and Now
I must realise
That every human being
Is endowed with the capacity
To be a towering lighthouse
In the darkness-night
Of the present-day world.
- Sri Chinmoy
Spirituality means
A seeker's attempt to be better
Then he was yesterday.
- Sri Chinmoy
We must every day try
To love the essential
And not the superficial.
- Sri Chinmoy
Giving is not
An obligation.
Giving is
- Sri Chinmoy
The longest road in the world:
To see others' faults
To enjoy others' faults
- Sri Chinmoy
Anger and pride
Shorten life.
Poise and love
Lengthen life.
Simplicity and humility
Strengthen life.
- Sri Chinmoy
Photos by Tejvan Pettinger