Spiritual Articles



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Articles for Self Improvement

1. Dealing with Anger

"When we allow anger to enter into our mind we immediately lose any peace of mind and become frustrated. Anger poisons our system; over time anger can tell on both our mental and physical well being"

2. The Art of Listening

"There is more to listening than meets the eye, or rather, the ear. Listening is not merely hearing what the other person says, but also comprises understanding what that person says on a deeper level and reacting adequately to it. "

3. Karma Yoga

"At the heart of Sri Chinmoy's spiritual path is the ancient Indian concept of Karma Yoga. "

4. Cycle of Reincarnation

"Reincarnation is the idea that death is not the end. After death the soul leaves the body, but, after a temporary rest takes rebirth in a new body."

5. To Be a Chittagonian

"One of the most remarkable things I have ever witnessed is two Chittagonians meeting each other for the first time."


Photo by Richard, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries